The use of the SAD-form ends - In the future, lodge two-stage import declarations and declarations on special procedures electronically

Publication date 12.9.2022 8.09
Type:Press release

Import declarations for special procedures and simplified declarations must be lodged electronically as of 5 November 2022. After this, customs offices will no longer process manual declarations or declarations submitted with the SAD form or with a consignment note.

Special procedures

In the future, the following declarations must be lodged in the Customs Clearance Service or as messages:

  • inward processing declarations (customs procedure 51)
  • end-use declarations (new customs procedure code 44)
  • temporary admission declarations (customs procedure 53), when a declaration cannot be lodged orally or through an act regarded as a customs declaration
  • import of processed products obtained from equivalent goods under the outward-processing procedure before exportation of goods they are replacing (customs procedure 46)
  • entry for home use with simultaneous release for free circulation of replacement products under outward processing prior to the temporary export of the defective goods (customs procedure 48).

Simplified two-stage customs declarations

In the future, simplified two-stage declarations such as declarations on periodic clearances as well as two-stage quota clearance declarations can also be lodged in the Customs Clearance Service. In addition, supplementary customs declarations for all simplified customs declarations must be lodged electronically by the given time limit.

Regarding periodic clearance, Customs will no longer receive consignment notes, and a simplified electronic declaration must be submitted for each import in the Customs Clearance Service or through message exchange. The declaration that initiates the period will no longer be submitted.

Cash customers cannot pay the individual guarantee at a customs office

The individual guarantee should be lodged and paid in the Customs Clearance Service. This means that cash customers can no longer pay the individual guarantee at a customs office. Customs may require an individual guarantee for example, if when a special procedure is used, a transfer permit is granted for the goods or a critical quota is claimed.

The SAD form will only be used in specific situations

In the future, the SAD form can still be used in the following situations:

  • A traveller is carrying commercial goods and submits a customs declaration on the goods on a SAD form or on a customs form for private persons 1143e.
  • There is a service interruption during which the SAD form can be used as fallback.

Be prepared to use the Customs Clearance Service in good time

Make sure that your company has all necessary information for using the Customs Clearance Service.

You identify yourself in the service with identification. If the CEO of a company does not use the Customs Clearance Service, the CEO must grant the mandate ‘Customs clearance’ to the person who submits customs declarations. Read more about identification and authorisations.

To lodge customs declarations to the Customs Clearance Service, your company needs an EORI number. Apply for an EORI number in good time.

Read more:

Previous customer notices

Have a look at upcoming code changes

Additional information

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet