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Remember to submit standard import declarations on goods to be released for free circulation in the Customs Clearance Service or with renewed messages

Publication date 20.9.2021 9.55
Press release

Presently, import declarations on goods to be released for free circulation are to be submitted in the Customs Clearance Service or with renewed messages. It is no longer allowed to submit standard customs declarations in the Import Declaration Service for businesses (ITU). Moreover, quota benefits administered through tariff quotas as well authorisations for presenting missing documents are to be applied either in the Customs Clearance Service or through message exchange.

Only the following customs declarations can still be submitted in the Import Declaration Service for businesses - special procedures, or as messages compliant with the ITU system message descriptions: 

  • simplified and supplementary customs declarations
  • inward processing declarations
  • temporary admission declarations
  • end-use declarations
  • customs declarations for commercial goods brought in by travellers.

Customs will start intensified supervision to make sure that import declarations are submitted in the correct services or in the correct message format. Processing of an incorrectly submitted declaration may cease, in which case the transport will be interrupted. The transport can only continue after the declaration is submitted in the correct service or in the correct message format. 

More information: 
Tariff quotas
Authorisation to present missing documents
Businesses to submit import declarations electronically (Customer notice, 21 May 2021)

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