Message declarant: Be prepared for a new method of requesting import corrections

Publication date 15.9.2022 13.00
Type:Press release

On 5 November 2022, message declarants will start using updated import message descriptions. A significant change to the previous procedure is that, in the future, amendment request messages will also be used in applying for corrections. We expect that introducing amendment request messages will facilitate the processing of corrections in the future. Amendments and corrections are requested electronically with amendment request message FI413B or with message FI483B if the declarations concerns goods of low value. We will release a separate notice on amendment requests through the Customs Clearance Service later.

Amendment type

Amendment requests contain amendment type codes contained in the code lists for import message descriptions, code list “NCL 063 – Amendment type”. In the Customs Clearance Service, amendment type is referred to as correction type in connection with correction.

When a correction is requested for a declaration prior to obtaining a certificate of exit, the amendment type to be selected is “Correction”. When a correction is requested after release of goods, one of the following is to be selected as the amendment type: “OIK – Amendments of provided information”, “JAL – Subsequent levy” or ”PAL – Return or cancellation”. 

When the correction presumably does not affect any fees to be collected, the amendment type to be selected is “OIK”. The statistical amendment type is “OIK”.

When the correction presumably results in subsequent levy, the amendment type to be selected is “JAL”. 

When a refund from Customs is expected based on the correction, the amendment type to selected is “PAL”. In those situations, bank account details must also be provided. Customs cannot process refund requests that do not include a bank account number. Alternatively, a cash refund can be obtained only through a payment order that Customs sends to the bank in question. In such cases, the payment method is “K – Payment order/cash payment”, and the account number is not provided. The person’s name is given as the name of the account holder, and the address details must indicate the person’s valid address in Finland where the bank can send a notification on the arrival of the payment order. In the Customs Clearance Service, the payment method is to be selected from the drop-down menu under “Repayment method”, and the person’s name is to be entered under “Name of the recipient of the repayment”.

Codes for reasons of corrections

A code for the reason of correction must also be entered in a correction request. Reason codes are available in the code list “NCL 062 – Reason for contact – Amendment”. The reason code is not provided in the correction request.

If the amendment type is “OIK” and the request does not affect refunds or subsequent levy, the reason code “T” is used. If Customs requests a correction to a supplementary declaration, the amendment type to be selected is “OIK” and the reason code is “T”. If the amendment type is “JAL”, that is, if the correction results in subsequent levy, the reason code to be selected is “X”.

Free-form contact messages are no longer used in correction requests

When the new amendment request messages are implemented, the free-form contact message FI439 is no longer used in correction requests.

In the future, free-form contact messages are used for example when requesting an extension to a time limit set by Customs. The message is also used in situations where the correction time limit is exceeded, and the correction cannot be made by changing the details in the declaration. In such circumstances, correction requests must be drafted in free-form text format. The reason for contact to be selected in such situations is “NCL 050 – Reason for contact – Other reason”.

More information: 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet