You can apply for a transition period for declaring a commodity code in temporary storage declarations

Publication date 2.6.2023 10.52
Type:Press release

Customer notice for operators who submit temporary storage declarations for goods arriving by air.

The commodity code must be provided as a mandatory detail in the temporary storage declaration at the latest when transport companies have started using the new entry summary declarations. The schedule varies depending on the mode of transport. Commodity codes must be entered at the level of six or eight digits.  

You can apply for a transition period for declaring commodity codes

In air traffic, the new entry summary declarations were introduced on 1 March 2023, and it has been possible for transport companies to have a transition period until 1 July 2023 for changing over to the new declarations. For other air traffic operators, a transition period lasting until 1 October 2023 has been available. As of 1 October 2023, commodity codes must be provided on temporary storage declarations for goods arriving by air. 

Your company can apply for a longer transition period for a justifiable reason. For example, such a reason may involve information from an entry summary declaration submitted to the EU ICS2 system that is re-used on a temporary storage declaration. You can send your free-form application and a statement of reasons to UCC(at) In your application for a transition period, include the time period in question. 

More information: UCC(at) 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet