Message declarant: please note that some value adjustment codes will no longer be in use in autumn 2023

Publication date 20.6.2023 10.13
Type:Press release

After the version update of the Customs Clearance System this autumn, some of the value adjustment codes will no longer be used. At the moment, in customs declarations, it is possible to use national value adjustment codes, those beginning with 1 for items to be added to the customs value and those beginning with 2 for items to be deducted from the customs value.

After the version update, as a rule, only the value adjustment codes harmonised by the Commission will be used in customs declarations. The codes for items to be added to the customs value begin with A and the codes for items to be deducted begin with B.

Only two national codes, 1A and 2A will still be in use. They can be used as follows:

  • The code “1A – Total to be added” can be used as an item to be added, if the value of the consignment is less than 20 000 euros and no customs duty is levied on it.
  • The code “2A – Total to be deducted” can be used as an item to be deducted, if the value of the consignment is less than 20 000 euros and no customs duty is levied on it.

The changes will be made in the code list “NCL123 – Value adjustment”.

More information:


Providing value information in the customs declaration


Customer notice