EU Customs Reform ‒ aiming for a smarter and safer Customs Union

Publication date 29.5.2023 10.38
Type:Press release

On 17 May 2023, the Commission published proposals for an EU Customs Reform aiming at faster and more efficient EU Customs. After the reform, traders would be able to use simpler customs procedures and customs declaration would be more flexible. These reform proposals are the most comprehensive and ambitious since the establishment of the Customs Union.

A common online environment and a new trader category have been proposed

In the reformed EU Customs Union, businesses that want to bring goods into the EU would be able to log all the information on their products and supply chains into a single online environment: the new EU Customs Data Hub. Over time, the Data Hub would replace the existing customs IT infrastructure in EU Member States. Under the proposals, the Data Hub will open for e-commerce consignments in 2028, followed (on a voluntary basis) by other importers in 2032.

The proposals include a new Trust & Check category for traders, which would strengthen the already existing Authorised Economic Operators (AEO) programme for trusted traders. If the business processes and supply chains are completely transparent, Trust and Check traders will be able to release their goods into circulation into the EU without any active customs intervention at all. Trust and Check traders will also be able to clear all of their imports with the customs authorities of the Member State in which they are based, no matter where the goods enter the EU. 

The proposals also include the establishment of a new EU Customs Authority. The plan is for the EU Customs Authority to be responsible for common information resources and risk management, cooperation with other authorities, competence development and training, among others. 

The reform would also change the customs declaration of low-value goods. For example, the duty exemption for goods valued at less than €150 would be abolished.

The legislative proposals will now be sent to the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union for agreement. Finnish Customs will publish more information as the reform progresses.

More information:

EU Customs Reform (European Commission)
EU Customs Reform (European Commission)

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