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Toys of amusement parks pose a choking hazard, too much heavy metals in children’s mugs

Publication date 29.6.2018 12.21 | Published in English on 7.8.2018 at 9.29
Press release

At the beginning of the summer holiday season Customs controlled regulatory compliance of toys sold or otherwise distributed in amusement parks. Altogether 36 toys were examined by the Customs laboratory. Three of these toys were found to have a defect that causes a choking hazard.  From two toys intended for small children came loose a small part that poses a choking hazard, the packaging pouch of one of the toys was too thin.     

Two plastic toys were found to have deficiencies or errors in the age warning markings or other markings.  In addition, more minor errors in markings were discovered in two toys.

Furthermore, Customs controlled regulatory compliance of eight items sold or given away in amusement parks intended to come into contact with food. Seven of the products examined by the Customs laboratory were ceramic mugs, and one was a plastic straw. From three ceramic mugs cadmium and led was released in excess of the limits for children’s vessels, and thus Customs refused their access to the market.     

The examined products of amusement parks were mainly of Chinese origin, but they had arrived to Finland via another EU member state.

Tulli.fi - The Customs Laboratory

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