What to do in problem situations related to the new export declarations

Publication date 14.11.2024 15.00 | Published in English on 18.11.2024 at 12.29
Type:Press release

Some errors have been detected in the processing of the new export declarations in Customs’ system. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. We will publish a new notice when we have resolved the errors. For the time being, when submitting export declarations, please note the following:

Message declarant: Don’t use the messages Additional information response (FI553) or Free-form contact request (FI539)

At the moment, it’s not possible to respond to a request for additional information (FI552) sent by Customs with an additional information response (FI553). Message declarants should respond to requests for additional information by email to spake.vienti@tulli.fi. This instruction is also given in the request for additional information sent by Customs.

Likewise, it’s not possible to send free-form contact requests. If needed, contact Customs by e-mail. 

Message declarant: Remember to provide the “request correlation” in your response

When you respond to an amendment request or other request sent by Customs, remember to include the identifier “Request correlation” indicated in Customs’ request. Your response can then be linked to the correct declaration and the processing of your declaration can continue.  

The request correlation must be provided when you respond e.g. to

  • an amendment request sent by Customs with an error notification
  • a hearing request
  • a request for additional information.

Customs’ notifications to the submitter of an Arrival at Exit notification

If the Arrival at Exit notification is submitted by a representative, Customs can’t, for the time being, send the following notifications to the representative: request for additional information (FI552), Customs’ control notification (FI550) and Customs’ notification (FI572). If required, Customs will contact the representative in some other way. 

Amending a declaration when the place of exit is not in Finland

If you amend an export declaration where the place of exit is not in Finland, information on the amended details is not always transmitted to the place of exit.

Request invalidation of the original declaration and submit a new declaration with the correct details. In the new declaration, provide the additional information code “FIXEX – Obligation to declare not fulfilled” and as its description, the MRN of the original customs declaration.

Two-stage declaration: amendment is not possible

In some situations, it’s not possible to amend a declaration electronically after a supplementary declaration has been submitted. If you receive such an error notification, send the amendment request (form 701, available in Finnish and Swedish) by email to spake.vienti@tulli.fi.

Two-stage declaration: rejection of a supplementary declaration

If you submit a supplementary declaration (Y declaration) which is rejected, request invalidation of the simplified declaration (C or F declaration) via message exchange or in the Customs Clearance Service. Submit a new declaration as an A declaration. In the new declaration, provide the additional information code “FIXFZ – A new export declaration was lodged with Customs’ permission instead of one that was lodged previously” and as its description, the MRN of the original customs declaration.

Do this also if you have received Customs’ notification (FI572) that the time limit for the supplementary export declaration will expire in 10 days.

More information: yritysneuvonta@tulli.fi

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