Sign up for a presentation on submitting amendment requests

Publication date 19.4.2023 15.20
Type:Press release

​​​​​​​Customs will arrange presentations for businesses on submitting electronic amendment requests. Electronically submitted requests for amendment or invalidation of a customs declaration will become pending more quickly and make the amendment process more efficient. It is especially important to select the correct amendment type and reason code in the amendment request.

The presentations will be held remotely via Skype in Finnish.

Two different presentations

There will be two different presentations: the first one is aimed at customers using the Customs Clearance Service and the second one at message exchange customers. The dates and times of the presentations are:

  • Tuesday 9 May 2023, 9.00–10.00 (amendment requests submitted via the Customs Clearance Service)
  • Thursday 11 May 2023, 9.00–10.00 (amendment requests submitted via message exchange)

The amendment type and reason codes for the requests are similar in the Customs Clearance Service and in message exchange. To this extent, the two presentations have the same content.

Sign up by 5 May, 12.00

Be sure to sign up for the presentations no later than on 5 May, 12.00 noon by email at UCC(at) When you sign up, provide the date of the presentation you wish to attend.

Persons who have signed up will receive a Skype invitation to the presentation by email no later than on the day before the presentation. If a large number of people sign up, Customs may limit the number of participants.

Additional information

Customer notice