Updated guidance on amendment and invalidation

Publication date 21.3.2023 13.57
Type:Press release

The guidance on our website about amendment and invalidation has been updated. Check the new format of the codes on the pages about amendment and invalidation. Always complete the import declaration carefully. However, if you notice errors in your customs declaration, a correctly submitted electronic amendment or invalidation request will speed up the processing. Remember to add the necessary attachments to the electronic amendment request. 

Provide the amendment type correctly

If the declaration has not yet received a decision, you should provide “KOR” as the amendment type in the message, or select the button “Amend” in the Customs Clearance Service.

If you are amending a declaration that has already received a decision, you should select “OIK”, “JAL” or “PAL” as the amendment type in a message. In the Customs Clearance Service, select the button “Amendment request” and “OIK”, “JAL” or “PAL” as the amendment type code. In both cases, you must also select an applicable reason code for each amendment code. Remember that bank account details should always be provided with the amendment code “PAL”. Guidance on how to select the codes is available on the pages about amending an import declaration

Submit a replacement declaration before the invalidation

If you need to change details in the declaration that cannot be amended, the original declaration must be invalidated. You should first submit a replacement declaration containing the correct details. If you have not received a release decision for the original declaration, you should provide the MRN of the previous declaration in the replacement declaration using the additional information code FIXXX. If you have received a release decision for the original declaration, you should provide, in the replacement declaration, the additional information code “FISUR – Replacement declaration” and the MRN of the previous declaration. In both cases, you should not request invalidation for the original declaration before the replacement declaration has received a decision. You can check the reason codes for the invalidation request on the pages about invalidating import declarations.

Please note: If your company has not yet started using the messages of the new format, you should use the free-form contact message to request amendment and validation, along with the codes 001 (amendment) and 002 (invalidation). Amendment in the import declaration system (ITU) should still be requested using a form as before.

Customer notice