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Maintenance of AEO authorisations

When the AEO authorisation has been granted, the AEO is expected to promote security in their supply chain and monitor as well as develop their own activities according to the AEO requirements. The legislation and the AEO guidelines require control measures by both the AEO and the customs authority. Customs monitors that the AEO continuously fulfils the requirements for the granting of the authorisation, also in terms of in-house control.

The aim is to ensure that the AEO manages the risks of the supply chain, identifies error situations and deviations and corrects the activity when needed. Predicting risks and their effects is usually most effective when the control is integrated as a part of the company’s own systems for risk management and control. 

The AEO must inform Customs of all matters that have emerged after the authorisation was granted, which may influence the validity or content of the authorisation. 

Notify Customs if the company’s details change

If the company’s details that were provided in the application change, Customs must be informed of these changes. 

Notify Customs in the eAEO trader portal of the following changes:

  1. Basic details of the company
  2. Authorisation type applied for
  3. Identification of the company (EORI number)
  4. Legal status of the company
  5. Date of establishment
  6. Address of the office where the main accounts of the company are stored 
  7. Identification and registration number of the company
  8. Name and contact details of the person in charge of the company’s customs matters
  9. Name and contact details of the person responsible for the application (person in contact with Customs)
  10. CEO of the applicant company or a person otherwise exercising executive authority in that company’s administration
  11. Business address
  12. Roles in the supply chain
  13. Member States where the company has customs activities
  14. Information on border crossing point
  15. Existing simplifications, facilitations and authorisations
  16. Consent to the exchange of AEO authorisation information content to ensure implementation under agreements or arrangements with third countries, mutual recognition of AEO status as well as related security measures
  17. Sector of the economic activity
  18. Fixed or permanent establishment
  19. Main location of business operations (address where the main logistical functions are carried out) 
  20. Address of the office where the customs documents are stored and available 
  21. Consent for publication of the AEO authorisation in the list of authorisation holders
  22. Size of applicant
  23. Attached documents
  24. Signatory

Notify Customs of the following changes to details by email: 

  • New premises
  • Corporate restructuring (division, merger, transfer of business, acquisitions)
  • Outsourcing of functions
  • Other significant change to customs transactions

A company may request that the AEO authorisation be terminated or suspended for a limited period if the company is temporarily unable to meet the requirements of the AEO. In such cases, the company can immediately apply for a new authorisation.

Customs may suspend the company’s AEO authorisation if the company has not complied with the AEO requirements. Before the authorisation is terminated completely, the company has the right to correct the situation. Customs may also terminate the AEO authorisation if the company violates the customs rules. If Customs terminates the AEO authorisation, the company can apply for a new authorisation after three years at the earliest.

The AEO authorisations are terminated in the eAEO trader portal.