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Providing the location and the inspection location in the Customs Clearance Service or in message format

Import declarations must contain two location details. You enter one item of information to give the location of your goods upon submitting a declaration. The second piece of information indicates the location where you wish for Customs to inspect the goods. The location can be the same, but this information is still required in two places in the customs declaration.   

In the Customs Clearance Service, enter the information as follows:

  • Under “Goods location”, enter the location of the goods at the time of submitting the declaration.
    • If you are lodging the declaration in advance (e.g. as a D declaration), enter the location where the goods will be presented to Customs.
  • Under “Proposed location”, enter the location where you wish for Customs to inspect the goods.

In message format, provide the information as follows:

  • Under “The location of the goods when the declaration is submitted”, enter the location of the goods at the time of submitting the declaration.
    • If you are lodging the declaration in advance (e.g. as a D declaration), enter the location where the goods will be presented to Customs.
  • Under “Goods location”, enter the location where you wish for Customs to inspect the goods.

Indicating the location of the goods

As the location, provide the location of goods at the time when you are completing the customs declaration. The location does not have to be provided in customs declarations submitted retrospectively or in national tax border declarations.

Provide the location as follows:

  • If the goods are in a customs warehouse or in a temporary storage facility when the declaration is submitted, provide the warehouse ID as the location. 
  • If the goods are not in a warehouse approved by customs, provide the address details of the location of goods. 
  • If the goods are presented e.g. at the customs office of entry, provide the street address of the customs office. See customs offices and their addresses.

Providing the location for goods inspection

In your customs declaration, provide the location where you wish for Customs to inspect the goods, should a decision on inspection be made. Make sure that the goods can be inspected at the location you provide, and that e.g. samples can be taken at that location. If the location of the goods is not suitable for inspection and the goods must be moved, you can apply for a transfer permit with Customs.

It must be possible to unload the goods safely at the place of inspection. It must be possible to lock the facility, and it must be managed by the operator or their representative. The facility must be designed for storing goods. For example, it can be a company warehouse or some other company facility that customers cannot access. The storage facility cannot be a location covered by domestic privacy, such as an apartment. 
If Customs cannot approve the provided inspection location, you can propose another location for inspecting the goods.       

Take the following into consideration when you provide the inspection location:

  • If you submit your declaration in the Customs Clearance Service and an automatically proposed place of inspection is included in the declaration, make sure that the location is suitable for inspecting the goods.
  • In an import declaration, “A – Designated location” cannot be selected as the type of inspection location.
  • For example, be sure not to enter a container field at a harbour not suitable for inspecting the goods as the place of inspection.
  • If the goods are subject to an inspection accordant with the Controls Regulation (e.g. phytosanitary control) and you wish for the goods to be inspected in advance at an approved control point (CP), enter that location as the place of inspection in your declaration.

Here is how you provide the type and qualifiers for the place of inspection:

  • ”B – Authorised place”
    • Select this option when you propose a customs warehouse or a temporary warehouse as the place of inspection. Provide “X – identification of warehouse” as the qualifier of location, and enter the warehouse ID of the control location (EORI+3+2, e.g. FI1234567-800101). If you are submitting your declaration in message format, you do not need to include the qualifier in your declaration. 
  • ”C – Approved place”
    • Select this option when you are proposing a control point (CP) accepted in advance as the place of inspection. Enter “Z – Street address” as the qualifier of location and the address details of the approved control point. If you are submitting your declaration in message format, you do not need to include the qualifier in your declaration. 
    • Select this option when you are proposing another Customs-approved temporary storage location as the place of inspection (HPA permit). Provide “X – identification of warehouse” as the qualifier of location, and enter the warehouse ID of the control location (EORI+3+2, e.g. FI1234567-800101). If you are submitting your declaration in message format, you do not need to include the qualifier in your declaration.
  • ”D – Other”
    • Select this option when you propose a customs office as the place of inspection. Also, provide the street address of the customs office.
    • Select this option if you propose e.g. your own warehouse that is not a warehouse approved by Customs or your production facility as the control location. Also, provide the street address of the place of inspection.