Confirmation of exit for ship supplies
Check how the exit of the goods from the EU is confirmed for ship supplies in different situations. These instructions are intended for operators delivering goods to vessels (ships and aircraft).
A. When you deliver goods from Finland to vessel located in Finland
The exit of the goods can be verified with a release decision document or with electronic exit notifications.
1. Confirmation of exit with a release decision
Present the goods and the release decision document on board the ship or aircraft to the consignee of the goods, who signs the document. Save the release decision as proof of the exit of the goods from the customs territory of the EU.
The release decision must have these entries:
- the consignee’s signature and printed name
- the consignee’s position in the company
You may also request a decision on release with confirmation of exit for your records. For this, you need to present the release decision signed by the consignee to Customs at any customs office in Finland.
2. Electronic exit notification
You can also ask the carrier to submit electronic exit notifications, which means you will receive a decision on release with confirmation of exit.
B. When you deliver goods from Finland to a vessel located in another EU country
If the vessel is located in a port in another EU country, present the export MRN to Customs in the EU country in question. After this, you will receive a decision on release with confirmation of exit from Finnish Customs.
C. When you deliver goods from another EU country to a vessel located in Finland
You must have a loading permit from Finnish Customs before the goods are loaded on board the vessel.
Request a loading permit by presenting the release decision document, the MRN list or any other document accepted by Customs. If these documents cannot be presented, a ship supply declaration must be submitted in Finland before the goods are delivered to the ship.
If there is no customs authority present or no open customs office at the place of loading, you can request the loading permit from another customs office on the transport route in Finland or by email. Send the loading permit request by email like this:
- In the subject line of the email message, enter ‘Request for loading permit’.
- Attach the decision on release for export or the MRN list.
- Provide the following details in the email message:
- the vessel onto which the goods are to be loaded
- port of loading
- planned time of loading.
- Send the email message to the Electronic Service Centre at the address
If the loading permit is sent to you by email, confirm the exit of the goods like this:
- Send the documents signed by the consignee to the email address and request an exit confirmation for the ship supply.
- The email heading should read ‘Request for exit confirmation’.
- The Electronic Service Centre at Finnish Customs confirms the exit.
Returning goods from the vessel after delivery when the exit of the goods has been confirmed
If goods are returned from the vessel, an import declaration must be submitted for them in certain situations. Where appropriate, a tax return for excise duties must also be submitted to the Finnish Tax Administration.
Submit an import declaration in the following situations:
- the goods have been confirmed as received
- a decision on release with confirmation of exit has been received for the goods.