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Intrastat Declaration Service

Go to the Intrastat Declaration Service

In the Intrastat Declaration Service, you can submit statistical declarations on intra-EU trade (Intrastat declarations).

A company for which the intra-EU trade arrivals or dispatches exceed a separately determined threshold value must submit Intrastat declarations.Customs will contact the company when the threshold value is exceeded and Intrastat declarations must be submitted. Read more about Intrastat and internal trade statistic

How to submit a declaration

In the Intrastat Declaration Service, you can enter details manually or upload them as an ASCII or CSV file. 

Read more about submitting Intrastat declarations.

Logging in

Logging into the service requires identification. If a non-Finnish person submits a declaration under authorisation from a company, the person must identify him- or herself using the Finnish Authenticator application.

You will need the mandate “Intrastat declarations on intra-EU trade flows” to act on behalf of a company. Read more about mandates related to Intrastat declarations.