Common health entry documents (CHED)
Import of certain goods requires a CHED.
- A CHED-D is required for food or feed of non-animal origin subject to intensified import controls
- A CHED-PP can be submitted e.g. for plants, fruits, wood products and used agricultural machinery. Read more on the Finnish Food Authority’s website: TRACES when importing plants, timber, wood packaging material and used machinery (in Finnish)
- The CHED-A can be provided e.g. for live animals. Read more on the Finnish Food Authority’s website
- The CHED-P can be provided e.g. for animal by-products. Read more on the Finnish Food Authority’s website
All CHEDs are submitted to TRACES.
A CHED-D is required for food or feed of non-animal origin subject to intensified import controls. Note that, the commodity code may also be subject to other restrictions or documentation requirements. For example, imports of organic fruit may require a CHED-D, a phytosanitary certificate, a CHED-PP as well as a Certificate of Inspection (COI), the details of which must be provided in the customs declaration.
If a CHED-D is required for import, do this
Create a CHED-D in TRACES in good time before the import. You can create the document as soon as you have the required information about the goods and their arrival.
To use the system, you need a personal EU Login identifier. Read the instructions on how to obtain the identifier on the page TRACES.
On this page, you can read more on how to create a CHED-D in TRACES.
- When you have received a unique number for the CHED-D, send the advance notification by email to Consumer Protection on the address Do this as soon as possible, however, no later than the previous workday before the goods as expected to arrive.
- In the advance notification, provide e.g. the following: The CHED-D Reference number, the date of arrival of the goods and the 10-digit commodity code. Read the instructions on how to create an advance notification.
The goods must be brought in to the EU via an approved border control post (BCP). There are three approved BCPs in Finland: Helsinki Airport, Vuosaari and Vaalimaa.
The goods should be transferred from the BCP to a control point (CP) for inspection. Customs recommends this, because an inspection at the CP will go more smoothly also for the company. The use of a BCP requires that e.g. the unloading and the loading of the consignment is arranged separately. Before the import, find out which CP you can use:
A company can apply for the status of approved other control point (CP). In the case of foodstuffs of non-animal origin that are subject to intensified import controls, the status of CP is applied from Customs. Read more about applying for the status of control point (CP).
The company can also provide the CP of another company as the control location, if the two companies have agreed on this.
If the company has a CP for fruit, berries and vegetables imported for food and the company wants to inspect the goods that are subject to intensified import controls at the same CP, the company’s status of CP must be supplemented with the possibility to also transfer foodstuffs of non-animal origin that are subject to intensified import controls to the CP. Read more about changes to a CP.
The details of CHEDs are provided in the import declaration using appropriate document codes. For example, the following document code is used for the CHED-D:
- ”C678 – Common entry document (CED) (model of which is set out in Annex II of the Regulation (EC) No 669/2009 (OJ L 194))”.
Read the instructions on how to provide a CHED or a COI in a customs declaration.
Creating a CHED in TRACES
The importer completes Part I of the CHED-D regarding consignment details. The supervising authority completes Part II of the document, where the authority also makes the decision concerning the consignment.
Other documents required upon import must be attached to the CHED. The original documents can accompany the transport, but the seller must send the documents to the importer e.g. electronically, because as the importer, you will need them in order to submit a CHED in TRACES. Customs will compare the details you provided in the CHED with the documents accompanying the transported products, such as the health certificate or the analysis certificate. Be prepared to present the documents at the BCP.
You can keep track of the processing of your CHED based on the status of the document.
There are two ways to create a CHED: you can either create a completely new document from the beginning or copy an earlier document as a template for a new one.
Copying an earlier document as a template
If you have created CHEDs before, you can retrieve a previously submitted CHED by first choosing “CHED” from the “Documents” menu and typing the CHED Reference number in the search field. Open the retrieved CHED by selecting the reference number of the CHED you want to copy from the list. When the CHED you selected has opened, you can start the copying by clicking on “…More” and by selecting “Copy as new” from the menu that opens.
You can also copy the CHED directly from the list on the frontpage. Click on “Actions” next to the CHED you want to copy and then select “Copy as new”.
Creating a new document
If you create a completely new CHED, select first “CHED” from the “Documents” menu.
Start creating a new CHED by selecting “Create new CHED”, which opens a new pop-up window.
From the list, select the product you are importing. All CHED types are shown in the pop-up window as default, but you can limit the number of suggestions by ticking the “CHED-D” box. In the search field, you can type e.g. the commodity code of the goods you are importing or you can use the list that opens by clicking on the plus sign “+” for browsing.
When you find the product you are importing on the list, confirm the selection by ticking the box next to the product. You can select more than one product at the same time. When you have selected all the products you are importing, confirm the selection and click on “Done” to move to the next stage. You can also select more import products later, in box “I.31. Description of consignment”.
After this, Part I of the document opens. The boxes marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
You can add text in the fields by first clicking on “Edit”. You can also search for stored data by clicking on “Advanced search”. In that case, a pop-up window opens and you can do a limited or detailed search.
The advanced search may give several alternatives. In that case, select the appropriate one by clicking on “Select”. This will move the selected information to the document. For example, if you are creating a CHED-D and you are selecting an approved border control post from the list, select one with the marking “CHED-D rw” under “Competence” (see example in the image above).
If the advanced search did not produce the details of the company e.g. under “Exporter”, you can add the details of the exporter by clicking on “+ Create a new Operator”.
What details must be filled in in the CHED?
The importer only sees Part I of the CHED-D, where you fill in the details of the consignment.
Remember to click on “Safe as Draft”, so that the details you have filled in will not disappear if you exit the document. The document will not be submitted to the authority until you click on “Submit for Decision”.
Provide the details in the following boxes in the document:
- I.1. Consignor/Exporter
- As the consigner, enter the original consignor indicated e.g. in the health certificate or the analysis certificate.
- I.2. CHED Reference
- The system automatically assigns a unique reference to the CHED. The CHED Reference must be provided in the customs declaration.
- I.3. Local reference
- This box is not mandatory. Indicate the unique alphanumeric code, if any, assigned by the competent authority.
- I.4. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit
- Provide the border crossing point through which the products enter the country.
- I.5. Border Control Post/Control Point/Control Unit code
- The code will be automatically filled in by the system on the basis of the information you provided in Box I.4.
- I.6. Consignee/Importer
- Enter the importer to whom the consignment is destined according to the customs declaration. You can find the registered importer by searching for the company’s name via “Advanced search”.
- I.7. Place of destination
- The system automatically suggests the information provided in Box I.6. Here you should provide, however, the place where the consignment is being delivered for final unloading and where the goods can be physically checked.
- If your company has applied for other control point approved in advance (CP), select “Control Point” and enter the CP code.
- If the goods are going to be checked at the customs office of entry, that is, at the BCP, select “Border control post” and enter the BCP code.
- If the goods are moved under transit from the EU but stored in the EU, tick “Select an operator” and provide the details of the company that stores the goods.
- The system automatically suggests the information provided in Box I.6. Here you should provide, however, the place where the consignment is being delivered for final unloading and where the goods can be physically checked.
- I.8. Operator responsible for the consignment
- The operator responsible for the consignment is the company that submits the notification and has an operator role (RFL). The system automatically fills in this information on the basis of the login. The operator must be same as indicated later in box I.35.
- I.9. Accompanying documents
- The documents to be attached must match the details you provided in the CHED. Click on “Add Accompanying Document” and select the name of the document from the drop-down menu.
- Provide the health certificate as well as copies of the sampling and analysis results, if they are required for import. Also provide any other certificates and documents issued by an authority that must be presented upon import.
- Also provide e.g. details of the commercial documents related to the transport, such as the number of air waybill, the number of the bill of lading or the transport document number for a train or a road vehicle. Enter the numbers, dates and the countries of issue of the documents to be attached.
- When you have provided the details and attached the documents, click on “Apply”.
- The documents to be attached must match the details you provided in the CHED. Click on “Add Accompanying Document” and select the name of the document from the drop-down menu.
- I.10. Prior notification
- Enter the arrival date and time of your consignment at the BCP. If an import consignment that requires a CHED-D is transferred to a CP, enter the estimated arrival date and time at the CP.
- I.13. Means of transport
- Select first the means of transport from the drop-down menu “Add Means of Transport”. On the basis of your selection, enter the following details of the means of transport in the fields displayed:
- airplane: the flight number
- vessel: the vessel name and number
- railway: the train identity and wagon number
- road vehicle: registration number with trailer number, if applicable.
- Select first the means of transport from the drop-down menu “Add Means of Transport”. On the basis of your selection, enter the following details of the means of transport in the fields displayed:
- I.14. Country of dispatch
- Enter the country where goods were placed on board the means of final transport for the journey to the EU. If the goods were moved between several countries before the import, you can enter the country where the official certificates or documents were issued for the goods.
- I.16. Transport conditions
- Indicate the category of required temperature during transport, if applicable: “Chilled”, “Ambient” or “Frozen”. Only one category may be selected.
- I.17. Container No/ Seal No
- Where applicable, indicate the container number and seal number. For official seal, always indicate the official seal number.
- I.18. Certified as or for
- From the list, select the use of the products. In the case of a CHED-D, the alternatives are: human consumption, human consumption after further treatment, feedstuff, sample, display exhibition item, or other.
- Provide primarily the intended use of goods as specified in the official certificate (where required) or commercial document.
- I.20–I.26 Purpose
- Select I.20 in the case of transfer.
- Indicate the name of the control point in the EU to which the goods are to be transferred for further official controls if the consignment is selected for identity and physical checks. A document check must always be carried out on the goods at the BCP, before you can be permitted to transfer the goods.
- Select I.21 in the case of onward transportation.
- Indicate the authorised onward transportation facility to which the consignment is to be transported after it has been selected for identity and physical checks at the BCP.
- Select I.23 when the product is intended for the internal market of the EU.
- Select this if the consignment is intended to be placed on the internal market of the EU, that is, you are lodging a customs declaration for the products to be released for free circulation.
- Select I.20 in the case of transfer.
- I.27. Means of transport after BCP/storage
- This box is mandatory if you under I.20–I.26 selected some other purpose than “I.23 For internal market”.
- This box can also be filled in later after you have submitted an advance notification on the import goods to Customs’ Consumer Protection.
- Select one of the following means of transport: airplane, vessel, railway or road vehicle (see guidance note for indicating the means of transport in box “I.13 Means of transport).
- I.28. Transport company
- This information is not required for CHED-D.
- I.29. Date of departure
- This information is not required for CHED-D.
- I.31. Description of consignment
- Provide sufficient description of the goods allowing their identification and the calculation of fees e.g. Combined Nomenclature (CN) code and title, TARIC code and net weight (kg). You can use e.g. official certificates, official verifications, notifications or other documents as well as commercial documents when filling in this information.
- You can add import goods by clicking on “+ Add commodities”.
- Depending on the nature of the goods, indicate number or volume of the goods.
- Indicate the nature and number of packages, package type (according to the UN/CEFACT standards), batch number and product type.
- Click on “*Show optional columns” to see other fields to complete on the commodity row. If you are not able to fill in the details, activate the row by clicking on the pencil icon.
- The system copies and adds up the details you have indicated in the fields for the commodities and displays the results under “Quantity totals”.
- I.32. Total number of packages
- The system automatically calculates the total number of packages in the consignment on the basis of the details you have provided.
- I.33. Total quantity
- The system automatically calculates the total number or volume of the goods on the basis of the details you have provided.
- I.34. Total Gross Weight (kg) and Total Net Weight (kg)
- Provide the “Total Gross Weight” of the goods or provide the volume of the goods under “Total gross volume”. Total gross weight is the aggregate mass of the goods, plus immediate containers and all packaging, but excluding transport containers and other transport equipment.
- The system automatically calculates the total net weight of the goods on the basis of the details provided in Box “I.31 Description of consignment”. Total net weight is the mass of the goods themselves, without immediate containers or any packaging.
- I.35. Declaration (for the operator responsible for the consignment)
- The declaration must be signed by the natural person responsible for the consignment and may be adapted according to the CHED used:
- “I, the undersigned operator responsible for the consignment detailed above, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief the statements made in Part I of this document are true and complete, and I agree to comply with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2017/625 on official controls, including payment for official controls, as well as for re-dispatching consignments, quarantine or isolation of animals, or costs of euthanasia and disposal where necessary.”
- The signatory undertakes to accept back consignments in transit that are refused entry by a third country.
- The declaration must be signed by the natural person responsible for the consignment and may be adapted according to the CHED used:
Asiakirjan tilan avulla voit seurata CHED-asiakirjan käsittelyä.
Asiakirjan tila on ”Unsaved”, kunnes olet tallentanut tai lähettänyt asiakirjan järjestelmään. Asiakirjan tilaksi muuttuu ”Uusi”, kun olet lähettänyt sen viranomaisen käsiteltäväksi. Kun asiakirjan tilan muuttuu ”Validoiduksi”, Tulli on hyväksynyt tuomasi erän maahantuotavaksi.
CHED-asiakirjalla voi olla seuraavia tiloja:
- ”Unsaved” – Kun tila on ”Unsaved”, olet aloittanut asiakirjan antamisen. Jos poistut asiakirjasta, kaikki tiedot häviävät eikä järjestelmä anna tekemällesi asiakirjalle viitettä.
- ”Draft” – Kun olet tallentanut asiakirjan luonnoksena (”Draft”), voit jatkaa myöhemmin sen käsittelyä.
- ”Uusi” – Kun tila on ”Uusi”, olet lähettänyt asiakirjan valvovalle viranomaiselle käsiteltäväksi. Tällöin valvova viranomainen näkee tekemäsi asiakirjan järjestelmästä.
- ”Validoitu” – Kun viranomainen on hyväksynyt ja käsitellyt asiakirjan, sen tila muuttuu ”Validoiduksi”.
- ”Authorized for Transfer” – Kun tila on ”Authorized for Transfer”, valvova viranomainen on valinnut erän tarkastettavaksi ja sallinut siirron tarkastuspaikalle (CP).
- ”Hylätty” – Jos tila on ”Hylätty”, viranomainen ei ole hyväksynyt erän maahantuontia.
- ”Deleted” – Voit poistaa tekemäsi asiakirjan sen jälkeen, kun olet tehnyt asiakirjasta luonnoksen (”Draft”) tai lähettänyt sen viranomaiselle käsiteltäväksi (”Uusi”).
- ”Cancelled” – Viranomainen on perunut validoidun tai hylätyn asiakirjan.
- ”Replaced” – Viranomainen on korvannut tekemäsi asiakirjan toisella asiakirjalla esimerkiksi virheellisen validoinnin jälkeen.