Registered exporter (REX)
A company must register as an exporter in the Registered Exporter system (REX system) in the following situations:
- So that the exporter can make out proofs of origin relating to preferential treatment for export consignments worth more than 6 000 euros that are dispatched to Canada, Japan, the UK, Vietnam Singapore, New Zealand and Chile.
- If a company based in the EU imports undeclared originating products for a total value exceeding 6 000 euros from a GSP country and re-dispatches them to another EU country or to Norway or Switzerland for customs clearance.
- If the exporter exports goods originating in the EU to GSP countries for processing.
How to register
Apply for status as a registered exporter in the REX service.
After registering, you will receive a registration number for Finnish exporters, FIREX, which is an identification number made up of the business ID and the prefix FIREX (FIREX12345678). You will need the identification number for proofs of origin when the export consignment is worth more than 6 000 euros.
Required proofs of origin
As a registered exporter (REX) you are authorised to make out the proofs of origin listed below for consignments worth more than 6 000 euros when exporting them to the following countries:
(Situation on 1 January 2023)
Declaration of origin
- Canada
- Ghana
- Cote d'Ivoire (EPA)
Statement on origin
- United Kingdom
- Japan
- Singapore
- Vietnam
- New Zealand
- Chile
- GSP countries
- OCT countries (Overseas countries and territories)
Invoice declaration
- ESA countries (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Zimbabwe, Comoros)
Check the standard wordings for the proofs of origin here.