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Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations

The changes to EU customs legislation will bring about phased changes to customs declarations in 2020‒2025.

Declarations for goods arriving from non-EU countries – now

The following must be submitted to Finnish Customs via the arrival and exit declaration service (AREX) or via message exchange:

  • entry summary declaration (ENS) in rail and road transport
  • combined arrival and presentation notification in rail transport

The ENS and the presentation notification together are regarded as a summary declaration for temporary storage.

The details in a transit declaration submitted for goods arriving under the transit procedure are used as a summary declaration. Safety and security data can also be provided in the transit declaration, in which case no separate ENS is required.

For consignments arriving by air and sea, an ENS and an arrival notification must be submitted to the ICS2 system for safety and security data. A presentation notification must also be submitted for them to Customs via message exchange or in the Customs Clearance Service, when the consignment arrives in Finland.

Changes to declarations and notifications for goods arriving from non-EU countries

There will be changes to the ENS and, in future, it will be submitted to the ICS2 system for safety and security data. The new declarations have been introduced for the different modes of transport in several phases. The declarations for postal consignments were introduced in 2021, the declarations for air transport on 1 March 2023 and the declarations for sea transport from 3 June 2024. The declarations for other modes of transport will be introduced in phases from 1 April 2025.

If an articulated vehicle or a truck is carried on board a sea-going vessel, the road carrier will from 1 April 2025 submit a new ENS for the load in accordance with the transition period for road transport.

In future, the following will be submitted for rail transports in addition to the ENS: a separate presentation notification to Finnish Customs in the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange.

The new declarations can be submitted either via the EU’s e-service or via message exchange. Message declarants must test the messages in the Commission’s testing service. If a message declarant uses an IT service provider for technical sending of messages, the IT service provider will test the message exchange.

The carrier submits the ENS with full details unless the carrier has agreed with the operator (e.g. a forwarding agency) who ordered the transport of the goods that each party submits their own ENS with partial details. In that case, the carrier submits the details of the master level transport document in the declaration with a separate master level ENS. The forwarding agency, in turn, submits the details of the house level transport document with a so-called House filer ENS containing e.g. the details of the buyer and the seller.

ENSs can already be submitted with partial details for air and sea transport. Later, in 2025 and 2026, this will be also be possible for rail and road transport.

In the new ENS, the mandatory safety and security data include the details of the seller and the buyer as well as the goods description and at least the six-digit commodity code.

More information: Diagrams of arrival declarations

ICS2 (Import Control System 2), phase 2 of the EU's safety and security reform involving entry declarations

ICS2 system, into which the entry declarations are submitted (previously referred to as CR) 

STI-STP (Shared Trader Interface-Shared Trader Portal), the Commission’s ICS2 declaration service

CIRCABC website, contains message specifications published by the Commission

ITSP (Information Technology Service Provider), service provider for message declarants 

IE (Information Exchange), used when exchanging declaration messages

DVV (Digital and Population Data Services Agency), server certificates

ICS2R2 (ICS Release 2), declarations for air cargo

ENS (Entry Summary Declaration)

AN (Arrival Notification), submitted to the Commission’s system

PN (Presentation Notification), submitted to Finnish Customs’ system

TSD (Temporary Storage Declaration), submitted by the carrier

AC (Assessment Complete), response received for an ICS2 declaration, notifying that the declaration has been accepted and the goods can be loaded onto the vessel or aircraft departing for the EU

EO (Economic Operator)

HTI (Harmonised Trader Interface)

KC3 (Third Country Known Consignor)

The EU Commission has published message specifications on the Circab website for the messages to be deployed. There will be new entry declaration messages, and the data content of the old messages will change.

Message abbreviations

The messages are numbered according to their use. Messages beginning with IE3F are entry summary declarations that message declarants send to the EU’s ICS2 system. The data contents of entry summary declarations vary depending on the mode of transport, on who submits the declaration and on whether a declaration with all details or only partial details is provided. For example, the messages IE3F10–IE3F17 are entry summary declarations for maritime cargo and the messages IE3F20–IE3F29 are entry summary declarations for air cargo.
The new message declarations are numbered as follows:

  • Messages beginning with IE3A are amendment requests sent by message declarants.
    • For example, amendment of the message IE3F20 details is requested using the message IE3A20.
  • Messages beginning with IE3Q are used e.g. for requesting additional information from the declarant (IE3Q02) or the declarant can request invalidation of the declaration (IE3Q04).
  • Messages beginning with IE3R are responses.
    • IE3R01 is a response sent to inform the declarant of the registration of the entry summary declaration and of the MRN issued to the declaration.
  • Messages beginning with IE3N are various notifications.
    • IE3N06 is a notification sent by the message declarant of the arrival of the goods, i.e. an arrival notification.
    • IE3N08 is a control notification sent to the customer.

Where to find the message specifications

Read about the ICS2 declarations’ message specifications and customer testing on EU’s Circabc webpage in group ”EU Advance Cargo Information System (ICS2)”.

The message data requirements can be downloaded from the folder “ICS2 Common Functional System Specifications”. Open the latest version ( of the folder “ICS2-HTI”, download it and select the folder ”ICS-HTI-IE”. Under the subfolder ”HTI-IEs", you can choose whether to view the data contents in text format (RTF) or in spreadsheet format (XLS).

The data content of each message is in a separate file. The message abbreviation is used as the file name. The abbreviations of the declaration messages used in different modes of transport as well as the message names are found on this page.

When a company has been issued an EORI number in Finland, the application for message exchange customer status for ICS2 declarations shall also be sent to Finnish Customs. If you use an IT service provider for sending and receiving messages, you do not have to apply for message exchange customer status for ICS2.

1. Send the application 

Send a free-form email to the Customs Authorisation Centre at lupakeskus(at) Include the following information in the application:

  • the name and EORI number of your company
  • one of the following roles in which you are submitting declarations: 
    • carrier
    • express operator
    • postal operator
    • house level filer
    • representative
    • IT service provider
  • email address of the person in charge of the testing
  • person responsible for message exchange: name, phone number and Email address.

Customs will send you instructions on how to create an EU Login for the person in charge of the testing. After creating the EU Login, the person in charge of the testing will notify Customs’ international helpdesk at hd(at) of it.

Customs will register the details of the company in the Commission’s centralised Identity and Access Management System (IAM). Customs will notify the person in charge for the testing of it. The person in charge of the testing shall use the EU Login to log into the Commission’s IAM System, accept the provided details and save authorisation details. Then the person can log into the ICS2 service (STI-STP) used for the testing. Users log in to the ICS2 service via the EU Trader Portal. Alternatively, the person in charge of the testing can, in the IAM System, authorise some other person to use the ICS2 service (STI-STP). 

2. Customs Business Information can provide consultation

After receiving the application, Customs Business Information will contact the customer to ask if there is a need for consultation regarding testing arrangements and obtaining a service certificate. 

3. Obtain a server certificate

Obtain a server certificate either from the DVV (the Digital and Population Data Services Agency) (recommendation) or from some other certifier approved by the Commission. If you use a server certificate issued by some other certifier than the DVV, register the certificate in the Commission’s UUM&DS Admin system. The same certificate is used both for sending messages and in the message testing and production system.

4. Preparations for the testing

Start the customer testing by logging into the EU Trader Portal with your EU Login username and your company’s details. Then select the ICS2 service, called STI-STP (Shared Trader Interface-Shared Trader Portal) in the EU Trader Portal. 

After identification, fill in the details of the message exchange customer under “Manage Preferences”. Fill in the following details:

  • Actor type, the role in which the customer sends declarations and receives notifications from the Commission. On the basis of the role, the test automation will later suggest the test cases that the actor must carry out.
    • A message exchange customer logged in as a test customer must choose declarant as the type.
  • Configuration details, e.g.
    • the message exchange customer’s own URL
    • whether the message exchange customer is going to retrieve the response notifications from the Commission’s system or whether the Commission should send the response notifications automatically.

5. Testing

Customs’ international helpdesk (hd(at) will provide support regarding testing. From your own system, send the test cases that the ICS2 service (STI-STP) has suggested. Provide your company’s own details as “Declarant” details and use your company’s certificate. In the service, you can see how the testing proceeds. 

After the testing, notify Customs that the testing has been completed. Customs will then send you a decision on registration.

6. Make sure that presentation notifications are submitted to Finnish Customs. 

If your company submits not only entry summary declaration messages to the ICS2 system, but also presentation notifications via message exchange, the presentation notifications shall be submitted to the Customs Clearance System of Finnish Customs. To do this, your company must apply for message exchange customer status from Finnish Customs and test the submission of presentation notifications with Finnish Customs. Read more about testing messages with Finnish Customs.

7. Starting production use

Log into the ICS2 service (STI-STP) via the EU Trader Portal. Logging into the service requires identification and the mandate “Customs clearance”. The details saved by you in this service earlier, during the testing phase, are not automatically transmitted to the production environment, so you must provide your contact details in the service, as well as the actor types, roles and configuration details to be used in production.

The new declarations involving security data in sea, rail and road traffic will be deployed in several stages for modes of transport. The EU guidelines on the transitional strategy are available in the document “ICS2 Transition from R2 to R3” which was updated in early February 2024.

Declarations in sea and inland waterway traffic

As of 3 June 2024, new security data declarations for shipping companies will be implemented in sea and inland waterway traffic (F10, F11, F12, F13 and, for postal consignments, F45). If a shipping company intends to submit message declarations in sea and inland waterway traffic, but is unable to deploy messages by 3 June 2024, the company can apply for a transition period up until 4 December 2024.

As of 4 December 2024, new security data declarations for house-level consignment note details will be deployed (F14, F15, F16 and F17). If your company has agreed with a shipping company on you submitting security data regarding information in house-level consignment notes, but your company is unable to deploy messages by 4 December 2024, you can apply for a transition period up until 1 April 2025. 

Operators submitting security data declarations on information in house-level consignment notes in sea traffic

When talking about operators who submit security data declarations on information in house-level consignment notes, this means for example consignors based outside the EU or forwarding agencies that represent importers in the EU that are unable to provide shipping companies with the data required for them to submit complete entry summary declarations (F10 or F11). Operators can arrange with shipping companies so that operators themselves submit the required house-level consignment note details with their own entry summary declarations to the Commission’s ICS2 system for security data (F17, F15 or the combination F14+F16). Such operators are referred to as “house filers” in the EU’s English-language materials.

Declarations in rail and road traffic

To be deployed starting from 1 April 2025

  • The new security data declaration F51 for rail traffic, and declaration F41 to be submitted for postal consignments
    • Also under planning is the possibility for railway companies to submit entry summary declarations on house level consignment note details, and for forwarding agencies or other operators to submit their own declarations regarding house level consignment note details. However, these messages are have not been confirmed officially yet.
  • In road traffic, the new security data declaration F50 to be submitted by transport companies, and declaration F40 for postal consignments
  • The new security data declaration F34 for express freight transported by road.

For all declarations involving rail and road traffic, transport companies can apply for a transition period until no later than 1 September 2025.

If a transport company or a representative submitting declarations on behalf of a transport company submits security data declarations for both road and rail traffic they can, when they so wish, start submitting new declarations for road and rail traffic in conjunction with the schedule for sea traffic, that is, already as of 3 June 2024.

Who can apply for a transition period?

Transport companies responsible for declarations or other companies with the same responsibility can apply for a transition period. Representatives of such declarants who submit messages and service providers responsible for transmission of messages cannot apply for transition periods for themselves. Instead, they can apply for transition periods on behalf of declarants.

You can apply for a transition period with Finnish Customs Businesses when your company has an EORI number issued in Finland. If for example a shipping company or a consignor based outside the EU has an EORI number issued in another EU member state, the said operator must apply for an extension period with the EU member state responsible for the EORI registration.

How to apply for a transition period?

You should apply for a transition period as soon as possible, however no later than one month before the deployment date of the new security data declaration that you are responsible for. Include the following information in the application:

  • the name and EORI number of your company
  • one of the following roles in which you are submitting declarations:
    • carrier
    • house level filer
  • declaration messages that your company plans to submit
  • statement of reasons for the transition period
    • For example, indicate the joint schedule planned with submitters of partial declaration data included in the supply chain.
  • duration of the transition period you are applying for
    • start and end dates of the transition period
      • Shipping companies: transition period possible between 3 June and 4 December 2024
      • Postal operators and house level filers: transition period possible between 4 December 2024 and 1 April 2025
      • Rail and road transport companies: transition period possible between 1 April and 1 September 2025
    • the date when you intend to start using the new declarations.

Email your application to


Message number Amendment message number Entry summary declaration Operator responsible for the declaration
IE3F20 IE3A20 Air cargo (general) – 
Complete dataset lodged pre-loading
IE3F21 IE3A21 Air cargo (general) – 
Partial dataset – Master air waybill lodged pre-arrival
IE3F22 IE3A22 Air cargo (general) – Partial dataset – House air waybill lodged pre-arrival — Partial dataset provided by a person  pursuant to Article 127(6) of the Code and in 
accordance with Article 113(1
House level filer
IE3F23 IE3A23 Air cargo (general) — Partial dataset — Minimum dataset lodged pre- loading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 without master air waybill reference number  House level filer
IE3F24 IE3A24 Air cargo (general) — Partial dataset — Minimum dataset lodged pre- loading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 with master airwaybill reference number  House level filer
IE3F25 - Air cargo (general) — Partial dataset — Master air waybill reference number lodged pre-loading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446  House level filer
IE3F26 IE3A26 Air cargo (general) — Partial dataset — Minimum dataset lodged pre- loading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph of Delegated Regulation (EU) 2015/2446 and containing additional house air waybill information  House level filer
IE3F27 IE3A27 Air cargo (general) — Complete dataset lodged pre-arrival Carrier
IE3F28 IE3A28 Air cargo (general) — Complete dataset lodged pre-loading – Direct air waybill Carrier
IE3F29 IE3A29 LAir cargo (general) — Complete dataset lodged pre-arrival – Direct air waybill Carrier


Message number Amendment message number Entry summary declaration Operator responsible for the declaration
IE3F40 IE3A40 Postal consignments – Partial dataset – Road master transport document information Carrier / road
IE3F41 IE3A41 Postal consignments – Partial dataset – Rail master transport document information Carrier / rail
IE3F42 IE3A42 Postal consignments – Partial dataset - Master air waybill containing necessary postal air waybill information lodged in accordance with the time-limits applicable for the mode of transport concerned Carrier / air
IE3F43 IE3A43 Postal consignments — Partial dataset — Minimum dataset lodged preloading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph and in accordance with Article 113(2) Postal operator
IE3F44 IE3A44 PPostal consignments — Partial dataset — Receptacle identification number lodged pre-loading in accordance with Article 106(1) second subparagraph and in accordance with Article 113(2) Postal operator
IE3F45 IE3A45 Postal consignments – Partial dataset – Master bill of lading only Carrier / sea


Message number Amendment message number Entry summary declaration  Operator responsible for the declaration
IE3F30 IE3A30 Express consignments — Complete dataset lodged pre-arrival Express operator
IE3F31 IE3A31 Express consignments on Air cargo (general) – Complete dataset lodged pre-arrival by the express carrier Carrier
IE3F31 IE3A32 Express consignments — Minimum dataset to be lodged pre-loading in relation with situations defined in Article 106(1) second subparagraph Express operator
IE3F33 IE3A33 Express consignments on air cargo general – Partial dataset – House air waybill lodged pre-arrival by a person pursuant to Article 127(6) of the Code and in accordance with Article 113(1) Express operator
IE3F34 IE3A34 Express consignments on road – Complete dataset lodged pre-arrival Express operator

Message number Amendment message number Entry summary declaration Operator responsible for the declaration
IE3F10 IE3A10 Sea and inland waterways – Complete dataset – Straight bill of lading containing the necessary information from consignee Carrier
IE3F11 IE3A11 Sea and inland waterways – Complete dataset – Master bill of lading with underlying house bill(s) of lading containing the necessary information from consignee at the level of the lowest house bill of lading Carrier
IE3F12 IE3A12 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – Master bill of lading only Carrier
IE3F13 IE3A13 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – Straight bill of lading only Carrier
IE3F14 IE3A14 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – House bill of lading only House level filer
IE3F15 IE3A15 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – House bill of lading with the necessary information from consignee House level filer
IE3F16 IE3A16 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – Necessary information required to be provided by consignee at the lowest level of transport contract (Lowest house bill of lading where the master bill of lading is no straight bill of lading) House level filer
IE3F17 IE3A17 Sea and inland waterways – Partial dataset – Necessary information required to be provided by consignee at the lowest level of transport contract (straight bill) House level filer

Message number Amendment message number Entry summary declaration Operator responsible for the declaration
IE3F50 IE3A50 Road mode of transport Carrier
IE3F51 IE3A51 Rail mode of transport Carrier


Message number Message name Who submits and why?
IE3Q01 Do Not Load Request (DNL) Customs notifies that the goods cannot be brought into the Union.
IE3Q02 LAdditional Information Request (RfI) Customs requests additional information from the person filing.
IE3Q03 High Risk Cargo & Mail screening request (RfS) Customs requests screening results from the place of departure.
IE3Q04 Invalidation Request  The person filing requests invalidation from Customs.
IE3Q05 EENS Consultation An operator can request ENS information from Customs, if the operator has the access rights to the information.
IE3R01 ENS Registration Response Customs notifies the registration of the ENS filing and the MRN issued to it.
IE3R02 Additional information response The person filing sends the requested additional information to Customs.
IE3R03 High Risk Cargo & Mail screening response The person filing sends the requested screening results to Customs.
IE3R04 Arrival Registration Response Customs notifies the registration of the arrival notification and the MRN issued to it.
IE3R07 Invalidation Acceptance Response Customs notifies that the ENS filing has been invalidated, either after the submission of an invalidation request or 200 days after the submission of the ENS filing, if no arrival notification has been submitted for the goods.
IE3R08 ENS Consultation results Customs communicates ENS information requested by the operator and in accordance with the operator’s access rights.
IE3N01 ENS lifecycle validation error notification Customs notifies that the submitted message has errors that require an amendment message.
IE3N02 ENS Not complete notification Customs communicates to the carrier that all house level filers have not submitted their own ENS filings.
IE3N03 Assessment complete notification Customs notifies that that the processing of the ENS filing and the risk assessment are complete.
IE3N04 Additional information request notification Customs has requested additional information from the person filing and communicates this to the carrier.
IE3N05 High Risk Cargo & Mail screening request notification Customs has requested screening results from the person filing and communicates this to the carrier.
IE3N06 Arrival notification The operator notifies Customs of the arrival of the means of transport.
IE3N07 House consignment in incorrect state notification After arrival, Customs notifies of the house level transport documents that could not be accepted as arrived.
IE3N08 Control notification After arrival, Customs notifies of goods controls to be performed.
IE3N09 Authorised Economic Operator control notification Customs notifies the AEO in advance of the control.
IE3N10 Amendment Notification After the amendment message, Customs notifies that the processing of the ENS filing and the risk assessment are complete.
IE3N11 ENS pending notification Customs notifies house level filer: waiting for ENS.
IE3N12 Error notification Customs notifies that the lodged ENS has been rejected.



Declarations for goods arriving from EU ports and airports – now

For goods arriving by sea or air, the following must be submitted to Customs either via the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange:

  • a temporary storage declaration
  • a presentation notification.

The commodity code is mandatory in the temporary storage declaration.

Changes to declarations for goods arriving from EU ports and airports

Customs will provide information on any changes when new versions of the Customs Clearance System are introduced.

Proving the Union status of goods – now

For Union goods worth more than 15 000 euros, T2L or T2LF proof of Union status must be registered in the EU’s Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system. Proof endorsed by an authorised issuer must also be registered. If an authorised issuer uses a shipping company’s cargo manifest for proving the Union status, this doesn’t need to be registered in the system.

Changes to proving the Union status from 15 August 2025

From 15 August 2025, the shipping company’s cargo manifest used by an authorised issuer for proving the Union status must be registered in the Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system.