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Instructions for testing

Before starting to use message exchange, the company must test the functionality of its software with Customs and that the messages the software produces conform to Customs’ specifications. At the same time, the data communication links are also tested. When the company’s application has been processed, Customs will contact the company to arrange a consultation and to set the dates for the testing. The company is to build its own declaration system independently based on Customs’ message implementing guidelines.  

During the testing, the company submits declaration messages with varying data content (for example complete or amended declarations or additional information), to which Customs then responds with messages (acceptance, error, request for additional information, etc.). The company must respond to the reply messages as required, for example by correcting errors or sending additional information.

The company is to reserve an uninterrupted work period of three to five weeks for the customer testing. The duration of the testing depends on the system to be tested, the number of messages to be submitted and the content of the declarations.

After successfully completing the testing phases, the company will receive the decision on message exchange registration and can enter the production phase of message exchange on the date specified in the decision. If the time reserved for testing is exceeded, the testing will be interrupted and the company must schedule a new time for the testing. This may mean postponing the final testing considerably.

Completing the testing

Technical testing of the connection

Before the actual system testing, the company applying for message exchange must test the connection via a public message interface from the company’s system to Customs’ message interface. If the company or the service provider used by the company has carried out the technical testing of the connection earlier, no new testing is needed.

The technical testing of the connection for message exchange consists of three test cases (four if the customer starts using the message notification service). The connection is working if the message exchange web service reports the receipt of the customer’s message. In addition, the customer has to be able to retrieve the response notification from the Customs message storage. The content of the response notification (acceptance, rejection etc.) is irrelevant for the testing of the connection.

Customer testing in the Message exchange testing service

The purpose of customer testing is to ensure that the customer’s system generates the declaration messages to be sent to Customs correctly and processes the response notifications from Customs correctly.

In the Message exchange testing service, the company tests message exchange declarations independently using the test cases specified by Customs. In the testing service, the testing official determines the testing period for the company as well as the test cases that the company must complete to pass the testing. The testing service carries out all the measures required for the testing and guides the customer during the testing.

Go to the Message exchange testing service identification is used when logging in to the Message Exchange Testing Service. The testing service requires that the person logging in has the the mandate “Message exchange with Customs” granted by the company and that the details of the company have been registered in the testing service.

Manual for the Message exchange testing service

Video presentation of the message exchange testing service on Customs’ YouTube channel

Manual customer testing

Some of the test cases in customer testing are conducted with the Customs testing official, so that the testing official manually verifies that the messages are correct. As a rule, the testing is carried out using the test cases provided by Customs, but in certain special cases, the customer’s own declaration material can be used in manual system testing. The testing official will tell in which situations it is possible to use the customer’s own testing material.

Instructions for testing

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