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Declare your parcel
I am going to order goods from abroad
Amending a clearance decision
What can I order or bring to Finland?
Cars and other vehicles
Import from outside the EU
Export outside the EU
Goods classification and commodity codes
Transport of goods
Storing goods
Services for businesses
Customer status and cooperation
Intra-EU trade
Customer service
Customer service for individuals
Customer services for businesses
Information about scam messages
Latest from Customs
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Changes to customs declarations in 2020–2025
Customs Reform
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Organisation and management
Our responsibilities
Customs Museum
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Customs Duty Calculator
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EORI Forms
EORI Forms
Eori registration (pdf, 2628 kB)
Instructions for non-EC-based EORI applicants (pdf, 347 kB)
Application for entering the EORI number of a foreign company in the customer register of Finnish Customs (pdf, 851 kB)
Application, EORI registration for private individual (pdf, 814 kB)
Application forms for authorisations
Customs declaration (SAD)
AEO forms
AREX forms
EORI Forms
Sea traffic forms
Forms for credit customers
Message exchange forms
Forms for special procedures
Export clearance forms
Import forms
Forms for fallback procedures
Forms for exceptional situations
Forms for Åland – for individuals
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Individuals yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Declare your parcel
Declare your parcel - submenu
How to declare a parcel
How to declare a parcel - submenu
Instructions for declaring specific goods
Declaring on behalf of another person messages for individuals
I am going to order goods from abroad
I am going to order goods from abroad - submenu
IOSS number
Declaration, VAT and customs duty
Gifts - submenu
How to declare a gift
For the sender of a gift
Moving - submenu
I am moving to Finland
How to declare removal goods
I am moving abroad
Bringing in removal goods prior to moving
Goods imported by a student arriving in Finland
Travelling - submenu
Arriving in Finland
Work-related travel
Amending a clearance decision
Amending a clearance decision - submenu
Returns, repairs, replacements and maintenance
Åland - submenu
Vehicles on the Åland Islands
Newspaper and magazine subscriptions to Åland
Åland and gifts
What can I order or bring to Finland?
What can I order or bring to Finland? yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Alcohol - submenu
Traveller imports of alcohol
Ordering alcohol online
Alcohol as a gift
Tobacco - submenu
Traveller imports of tobacco
Ordering tobacco online
Tobacco and snus in gift consignments
More detailed instructions
Snus - submenu
Bringing snus back from your journey
E-cigarettes - submenu
Traveller imports of e-cigarettes and nicotine liquids
Medicines - submenu
Taking medicines with you when you travel
Ordering medicines online
Pets - submenu
Buying a pet from abroad
Travelling with a pet
Pets and moving
Cars and other vehicles
Cars and other vehicles - submenu
Buying a car from abroad
Cars of foreign students
Cars of foreign tourists
Cars and moving
Imports of fuel to Finland
Leisure boats
Businesses yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Import from outside the EU
Import from outside the EU - submenu
The ABC of import
How to submit an import declaration
Special procedures
Special procedures - submenu
Temporary admission
Temporary admission - submenu
Applying for temporary admission authorisation
Declaring containers, packings and electronic cargo security and tracking devices
Inward processing
Outward processing
End use
Common guidance on submitting import declarations
Common guidance on submitting import declarations - submenu
Declaring origin and preferential treatment
Providing value details
Providing the previous document
Pre-lodged declarations
Declaring transport information
Declaring restrictions, preferential treatment and anti-dumping duties
Declaring restrictions, preferential treatment and anti-dumping duties - submenu
Providing restrictions on F-gases and ozone-depleting substances
Providing the location and the inspection location in the Customs Clearance Service or in message format
Providing the trader details
Retrospective declarations for undeclared goods
Declaring excise products in import declarations
Declaring goods of low value
Invalidation of a declaration
Amending a declaration
Amendment of a declaration
Import fallback procedure
Return of goods
Return of goods - submenu
Return of goods permanently exported outside the EU (4010)
Return of temporarily exported goods (6122 and 6123)
Import simplifications
Import simplifications - submenu
Presentation of documents missing from the simplified declaration
Supplementary customs declaration for each simplified declaration
Supplementary recapitulative customs declaration for a period
Declaration made by entry in the declarant’s records
Declaring goods using a single commodity code
Centralised clearance
Customs value
Customs value - submenu
Transaction value
The relationship between the seller and the buyer
If details for determining the customs value are not available at the time of declaration
Customs duties and taxes
Customs duties and taxes - submenu
Customs duties
Import VAT
Import VAT - submenu
VAT rates
Taxable amount for import VAT
Special arrangement for payment of VAT (SA)
VAT-exempt importation
VAT-exempt importation - submenu
VAT-exempt importation under Article 94 b of the VAT Act
Advance ruling on VAT
VAT relief and deferment of payment
How to pay a customs invoice
How to pay a customs invoice - submenu
Periodic filing i.e. consolidated invoice
Anti-dumping and countervailing duties as well as safeguard duties, i.e. additional duties
Anti-dumping and countervailing duties as well as safeguard duties, i.e. additional duties - submenu
Exemption from anti-dumping duty through application of the end-use procedure regarding certain bicycle parts – for conventional bicycles – originating in China
Customs debt
Advance ruling on excise taxation
Excise relief and deferment of payment
Customs duty exemption and tax exemption
Benefit from preferential treatments
Benefit from preferential treatments - submenu
Preferential treatment based on origin
Preferential treatment based on origin - submenu
Generalised System of Preferences (GSP)
Euro-Mediterranean agreement network
Tariff suspensions and autonomous tariff quotas
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM)
Import restrictions
Import restrictions - submenu
Import bans and sanctions
Conformity of products
Counterfeit products (IPR products) and intellectual property rights
Imports of foods and consumer goods
Imports of foods and consumer goods - submenu
Plant-based foods
Fresh vegetables, berries and fruits
Organic products
Composite products
Toys, cosmetics, clothes and other consumer goods
Food contact materials
Advance notifications and advance inquiries on taking samples
Intensified import control
Common health entry documents (CHED)
Approved border control post (BCP)
Other control point (CP)
Export outside the EU
Export outside the EU - submenu
The ABC of export
Who is an exporter
How to make an export declaration
How to make an export declaration - submenu
Additional documents
Pre-lodged export declarations
Providing the statistical value
Oral declaration
Retrospective declarations
Amendment of a declaration before release
Amendment of a declaration after release
Invalidation of a declaration
Fallback procedure
Temporary export
Exit of goods from the EU
Exit of goods from the EU - submenu
Exit of goods from the EU in different modes of transport
Export simplifications
Export restrictions
Benefit from the EU’s trade agreements
Benefit from the EU’s trade agreements - submenu
Proofs of origin in export
Supplier’s declaration
Approved exporter
Registered exporter (REX)
Ship supplies
Ship supplies - submenu
How to submit a declaration for ship supplies
Simplification of ship supplies
Confirmation of exit for ship supplies
Delivering undeclared goods to vessels and aircraft
Goods classification and commodity codes
Goods classification and commodity codes - submenu
How to find the right commodity code
Binding tariff information
Transport of goods
Transport of goods - submenu
Transit - submenu
How to transit
Transit guarantees
Declaring the previous document
Incidents during the journey
Discharging the transit procedure
Amendment and invalidation of a transit declaration
Fallback procedure
Declarations for arriving goods
Declarations for arriving goods - submenu
Entry declarations (ICS2) (air and sea transport)
Entry summary declaration (IE315) (road and rail transport)
Presentation notification (FI332) and arrival notification and presentation (IE347)
Temporary storage declaration or temporary storage declaration and presentation notification (FI337, FI335)
Diagrams of arrival declarations
Amendment and invalidation of declarations
Fallback procedure
Declarations for exiting goods
Declarations for exiting goods - submenu
Exit manifest presentation (IE547)
Exit notification (IE590)
Exit summary declaration (IE615)
Providing the previous document
Diagrams of exit declarations
Amendment and invalidation of exit declarations
Fallback procedure (exit)
Union status of goods
Union status of goods - submenu
Proving the Union status of goods exiting Finland
Proving the Union status for goods arriving in Finland
Fallback procedure
Sea traffic
Sea traffic - submenu
Fairway dues
Storing goods
Åland - submenu
Goods traffic between Åland and mainland Finland
Goods traffic between Åland and mainland Finland - submenu
Presentation of goods to Customs
National tax border declaration
National tax border declaration - submenu
One-stage declaration procedure
Two-stage declaration procedure
Tax border customers and the recapitulative statement
Inward processing and temporary admission
Imports from other EU countries to Åland
Exporting goods from Åland to EU countries
Services for businesses
Services for businesses - submenu
E-services - submenu
Customs Clearance Service
Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX)
Intrastat Declaration Service
EORI Number Registration Service
Commodity code service Fintaric
MRN Search
Authorisations and Decisions Service
My Details
Warehouse IDs
Proof of Union Status (PoUS) system
CBAM Transitional Registry
BTI service
Customs Decisions System (CDS)
eAEO service
INF System for Special Procedures
ICS2 Declaration Service for Safety and Security Data (STI-STP)
Message exchange
Message exchange - submenu
How to apply for message exchange customer status
How to apply for message exchange customer status - submenu
Companies that provide customs clearance software
Instructions for testing
For software developers
How to identify yourself
How to grant mandates
How to grant mandates - submenu
Mandates for customs transactions
Mandate themes for non-Finnish companies
Codes used in customs declarations
Codes used in customs declarations - submenu
Incoterms 2020
Fallback procedures
Authorisations and registrations
Authorisations and registrations - submenu
Comprehensive guarantee authorisation
Payment deferment authorisation
Amendment and revocation of authorisations
Authorisation instructions
Guarantees - submenu
Individual guarantee
Comprehensive guarantee
Comprehensive guarantee - submenu
Comprehensive guarantee reservation status
Changes to a comprehensive guarantee
Average prices for import
Using a representative
Customer status and cooperation
Customer status and cooperation - submenu
AEO authorisations
AEO authorisations - submenu
Benefits of AEO Authorisations
What is required of the AEO?
Applying for AEO Authorisations
Maintenance of AEO authorisations
AEO in-house control
Customs+ customer
Customer information
Customer training
Customer cooperation
Customer satisfaction and feedback
Intra-EU trade
Customer service
Customer service yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Customer service for individuals
Customer service for individuals - submenu
Customer services for businesses
Information about scam messages
Feedback - submenu
Thank you for your feedback
Latest from Customs
Latest from Customs yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Current topics for businesses
Subscribe to notices
Subscribe to newsletter
Subscribe to newsletter - submenu
Newsletter archive
Disruption notices
Disruption notices - submenu
A disruption in message exchange
Social media
Changes to customs declarations in 2020–2025
Changes to customs declarations in 2020–2025 - submenu
Changes to entry declarations and temporary storage declarations
Upcoming changes to transit declarations
Changes to import declarations
Changes to export declarations and exit stage declarations
Testing the new and updated messages
Legislation on customs declaration
Customs Reform
About us
About us yja.nav.submenu.title.end
Organisation and management
Organisation and management - submenu
International funding
Our responsibilities
Our responsibilities - submenu
Customs dogs
Sustainability - submenu
Sustainability report 2023
Sustainability report 2023 - submenu
Director General’s review
Efficient interactions and fair competitive conditions
Protecting society
Protecting health and the environment
Sustainable and reliable Finnish Customs
Support at the workplace and Finnish Customs’ environmental efforts
Preparation of the report
Customs Museum
Customs Museum - submenu
About the Customs Museum
History of Finnish Customs
History of Finnish Customs - submenu
Finland’s own customs service
Finland’s independence
Prohibition Act
Wars and times of crises
Free trade
EU membership
Customs duties and taxes
Customs enforcement tasks
Customs equipment
Customs insignia
Contact information
Contact information - submenu
Customs offices
Customs offices - submenu
Offices that offer services only by prior appointment
For the media
Call prices
Secure email
Invoicing details for purchase invoices
Leaving documents in Pasila or visiting the Customs facilities as a guest
Materials - submenu
Forms - submenu
Application forms for authorisations
Customs declaration (SAD)
AEO forms
AREX forms
EORI Forms
Sea traffic forms
Forms for credit customers
Message exchange forms
Forms for special procedures
Export clearance forms
Import forms
Forms for fallback procedures
Forms for exceptional situations
Forms for Åland – for individuals
EU customs territory and fiscal territory
EEA and Schengen countries
Currency conversion rates
Customs collection of regulations
Customs Glossary
Accessibility statements
Accessibility statements - submenu
Accessibility statement –
Accessibility statement –
Accessibility statement - Separate websites on
Accessibility statement – Customs duty calculator
Accessibility statement – User instructions for the e-services
Accessibility statement: The Fintaric service
Accessibility statement: MRN Search
Accessibility statement: Main page for Customs’ e-services
Accessibility statement – the Import Declaration Service for private persons
Accessibility statement – Customs Clearance Service
Accessibility statement – Safety and Security Declaration Service (AREX)
Accessibility statement – Intrastat Declaration Service
Accessibility statement – Authorisation and Decisions Service
Accessibility statement: Applying for an EORI number
Accessibility statement – My details
Accessibility statement – Customs customer feedback form
Accessibility statement – chat and chatbot service
Accessibility statement – customer satisfaction survey by the Customs Laboratory
Privacy statements
Privacy statements - submenu
Customer information services
Authorisation services
Customs clearance
Foreign vessel traffic
Customs enforcement
Cash flow (Tax collection)
Customs Laboratory
Communication - submenu
Information on photographic practises of Finnish Customs
Bank and Payment Accounts Register and the aggregating application
Processing of personal data by the CBAM unit of customs
Processing of personal data by the CBAM unit of customs
File descriptions
Automated decision-making website: terms of use
Online services terms of use
Terms of use for direct message exchange
Fees charged for Customs’ services
Bank and payment account monitoring system
Bank and payment account monitoring system - submenu
How to join the Accounts Register?
How to implement a data retrieval system?
Financial operators
Data user
Citizens and businesses
Thank you for your request for information
Shortcuts to other Customs sites
Customs Duty Calculator
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