Retrospective declarations
If the export declaration has not been lodged before the goods exit Finland, the declaration must be lodged with Customs retrospectively without delay.
In the case of failure to lodge the re-export declaration, the declaration must be lodged retrospectively in order to discharge the special procedure. This failure may lead to rejection of preferential treatment or incurrence of a customs debt.
If the original export declaration was submitted on time prior to the departure of the goods from Finland, but the declaration contained a detail that can’t be amended, it’s possible to submit a new replacement export declaration in such an exceptional situation. Read more about the details required in a replacement export declaration on the page “Amendment of a declaration after release” under “What details can’t be amended?”
Do this, if the goods have exited the customs territory of the EU without an export declaration or a re-export declaration
Lodge a retrospective export declaration. Message declarants use the additional declaration type R. In the Customs Clearance Service, choose “Retrospective lodgement of a declaration” on the start screen.
Provide the actual date of export, when the goods exited the EU. In the Customs Clearance Service, there is a separate field for this detail. Message declarants must add the data element “Actual date of export” (FI515A/Export).
As the type of location, provide “Designated location” (code A). The qualifier of location is “V – Customs office code” and the code “FI002002 – Electronic Service Centre, export”.
All additional documents related to the export declaration and alternative proof of the exit of the goods from the EU must be presented as attachments to the declaration.
A free-form explanation for why the declaration wasn’t lodged prior to the export of the goods is also to be enclosed with the declaration.
Do this, if the goods are in another EU country without an export declaration
If the export goods that left Finland are in another EU country, and the customs authority of that country requires an export declaration from Finland, you can lodge the export declaration in Finland retrospectively under certain conditions.
Complete a standard export declaration (additional declaration type A) Provide the additional information code FIXEX (obligation to declare not fulfilled) in the export declaration. This is a request to accept the export declaration while the export goods are in another EU country. Enter the actual location of the goods as the location of the goods.