Customer status and cooperation
Customs offers its customers several different forms of cooperation and services, the purpose of which is to make customs matters more efficient and smoother.
Does your company import and export a lot – would you benefit from simplified customs procedures? Would you like to analyse and develop your business in close cooperation with Customs? Choose the customer relationship that best suits your business needs:
Customs' basic customers
Customs’ basic customers are companies that largely import and export the same goods occasionally. The companies do not have simplifications or authorisations granted by Customs. Cash-customers and private individuals, who regularly conduct business with Customs, are also basic customers. Basic customers can use Customs’ e-servicesLink to an external website to submit declarations, and they are offered free customer service by phone.
Customs' key customers
Customs’ key customers are companies that regularly do business with Customs. Key customers include e.g. forwarding agencies, import and export businesses as well as Intrastat, tax border and shipping due customers. Key customers usually have a Customs authorisation for comprehensive guarantee. To our key customers, we offer direct message exchange, authorisation services with simplifications as well as business advice in situations where changes occur.
AEO operators
AEO operators are companies that have received authorised economic operator (AEO) status. An operator, who has received AEO authorisation, has the right to certain benefits and facilitations in their customs operation in the EU territory. Read more about AEO authorisations.
Customs+ customers
Customs+ customers are companies that have received AEO authorisation for simplified procedures (AEOC) and who continuously develop their operation through in-house control, among other things. Customs+ customers have their own service team, and are given precedence when Customs new functions and data systems are piloted. Read more about Customs+ customer status.
Advice, training and instructions as support for customers
We offer our customers a wide range of services to facilitate customs transactions. Most of Customs’ services are free of charge. General advice for free is provided e.g. by the Customs Information Service.
Read more about the Customs Information Service.
Customs offers training for companies, both for free and for a fee.
Read more about Customs customer training
On the Customs website, there is current information and instructions on customs procedures, on submitting customs declaration as well as on future changes. On the website, you can also order electronic newsletters on different topics.
We cooperate closely with customers
The Customs Advisory Committee is an information and cooperation forum for Customs and its interest groups. In addition, our customer companies can receive information and give feedback on the development of customs transactions via customer cooperation groups and networks in different fields.
Read more about Customs’ customer cooperation
We monitor our customer satisfaction
To ensure that your transactions with Customs run smoothly, we monitor the satisfaction of our customers and continuously gather customer feedback via different channels.
Read how you can give feedback to Customs