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Amendment and invalidation of exit declarations

Exit declarations submitted to Customs can be amended by submitting an amending declaration.

You can amend the following declarations submitted in the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX) or via message exchange:

  • Exit summary declaration (FI615)
  • Exit manifest presentation (IE547).

How and when to amend declarations?

Message declarants amend declarations by submitting amendment requests. An amendment request shall contain a reference to the transaction ID (AREX) or MRN of the original declaration assigned by Customs. 

A declaration submitted in AREX can be amended in AREX.

The declarant’s, representative’s or service provider’s details can’t be amended. If these details change, invalidation of the declaration must be requested and a new declaration must be submitted using the correct details. An incorrectly provided customs status can be changed using an amendment request before the goods are presented to Customs.

Note that the declarant must keep and archive the documents or the electronic data verifying the change.

Other things to note

The trader responsible for submitting a declaration can request invalidation of the following declarations, if none of the goods items covered by the declaration has been presented as exited or if more than one declaration has been submitted for the same goods:

Submit the invalidation request using the form 711e. You can also make a free-form invalidation request and send it by email to Provide the following details in the free-form invalidation request:

  • MRN and/or transaction ID
  • declarant’s name, Business ID and extension as well as contact information
  • reason for invalidation.

If the goods covered by the declaration haven’t been presented to Customs, Customs will invalidate the old exit summary declarations 150 days after the acceptance of the declaration. Declarations are not invalidated automatically. Instead, Customs asks the submitter of the declaration to provide an explanation.

Other exit declarations, such as exit manifest presentation (IE547) and exit notification (IE590), can’t be invalidated.