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Exit manifest presentation (IE547)

An exit manifest presentation is used when export goods exit Finland by sea, air and rail.

You can submit declaration via the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX) or via message exchange.

You can submit an exit manifest presentation after submitting an “Arrival at Exit” notification for the goods. In your exit manifest presentation, you should include the export MRN. 

Presenting goods under temporary storage or meant for transhipment  

Your exit manifest presentation must also include goods that have been placed at a harbour or at an airport under temporary storage or waiting for transhipment. An approved exit manifest presentation is also a loading permit.

In your exit manifest presentation, please provide the MRN of the entry summary declaration or temporary storage declaration, and indicate the goods item number.

Other things to note

When goods exit Finland by sea or air outside the EU, the transit declaration MRN must be declared with an exit manifest presentation, if the manifest presentation is used for acquiring a loading permit. 

  • If safety and security data has not been declared in the transit declaration of goods exiting the EU, then the safety and security data must be declared with a separate exit summary declaration (IE615) at the place of exit. In this case, the MRN of the exit summary declaration and the goods item numbers of the summary declaration are declared with an exit manifest presentation.
  • If the goods to be transited are loaded onto a vessel to be unloaded in the EU, then declaring the transit MRN with an exit manifest presentation is not permitted.

Sometimes an air cargo consignment declared in a single export declaration has to be divided for transport technical reasons so that it is transported on multiple flights. In this case, indicate the MRN of the export with an exit manifest presentation (IE547) only in connection with the last batch. A decision on release with certification of exit is generated once the whole consignment has exited the EU.