I’m buying a car from an EU country

If you’re buying a car from an EU country, you don’t have to declare it to Customs when you arrive in Finland.

However, remember to do the following:

  1. make a declaration of use and a car tax declaration for the car
  2. pay any car tax due
  3. register the car.

You can find more specific guidance on the Tax Administration’s website and the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency Traficom’s website.

When you’re buying a vehicle from Åland or bringing a vehicle to Åland, read the separate guidance.

If you’re buying a vehicle from the Canary Islands or some other area within the EU but outside the EU’s fiscal territory, you must declare the vehicle to Customs and pay VAT for it. Declare the car in the Import Declaration Service for private persons. You can ask the Customs Information Service for more information about the customs clearance and about alternative ways of declaring the car.

I’m buying a car from outside the EU

If you’re buying a car from outside the EU, you must declare the car when bringing it to Finland. You must pay VAT and customs duty for the car.

Declare the car in the Import Declaration Service for private persons. You can ask the Customs Information Service for more information about the customs clearance and about alternative ways of declaring the car.

In addition to the customs clearance and paying the taxes and duties, you should also

  1. make a declaration of use and a car tax declaration for the car
  2. pay any car tax due
  3. register the car.

You can find more specific guidance on the Tax Administration’s website and the Finnish Transport and Communication Agency Traficom’s website.

The VAT rate is usually 25.5% and the customs duty rate 10%.

  • VAT is paid on both the price of the car and on any costs incurred for transport, loading, unloading and insurance, as well as on other import costs incurred up to the destination in Finland.
  • Customs duty is paid on the price of the car and on the transport costs incurred up to the EU border. In addition, VAT is paid on the customs duty