Comprehensive guarantee reservation status
In the My details service, you can check the status of your company’s comprehensive guarantee reservation. The share reserved from the guarantee is displayed as a percentage figure.
The reservation status of the comprehensive guarantee shows how much of the guarantee is available. With it, you can estimate whether the guarantee is sufficient.
What is included in the reservation?
The reserved share includes
- guarantee reservations in conjunction with the customs clearance for the following customs procedures: release for free circulation, inward processing and temporary admission
- long-term guarantee reservations for customs warehousing authorisations, temporary storage authorisations and end-use authorisations
- all other reservations made to the comprehensive guarantee
Example of how to calculate the reservation status
A customer company has a comprehensive guarantee authorisation, customs warehousing authorisation, and a payment deferment authorisation.
The company has submitted a comprehensive guarantee of 10 000 euros to Customs. Of this guarantee, 7 000 euros is available for reservations involving the customs procedure release for free circulation. The guarantee reservation for customs warehousing is 3 000 euros.
If the guarantee has no reservations for the customs procedure release for free circulation, the reserved share of the comprehensive guarantee is 30%, that is, only the amount of 3 000 euros reserved for the customs warehousing authorisation. That is, 7 000 euros of the comprehensive guarantee is still available.
If, in addition to the 3 000 euros reserved for the customs warehousing authorisation, the amount of 1 200 euros has been reserved from the guarantee for the customs procedure release for free circulation, the share reserved from the comprehensive guarantee is 42% (€3 000 + €1 200) / €10 000 x 100). The amount of 5 800 euros is available from the comprehensive guarantee.