Organic products
If you are planning to import organic products, please read the instructions first on the Food Authority’s website. For example, the importer is required to be part of a control system for organic production. Read more about importing organic products on the Food Authority’s webpage
How products are controlled
Customs is responsible for the practical control of organic products imported from outside the EU in connection with customs clearance. Organic foods of plant origin are checked to ensure that they meet the requirements of organic regulations and food legislation.
What to do when importing from outside the EU
- When you declare the goods, issue the Certificate of Inspection (COI) of the organic product to TRACES. After this, Customs will confirm the certificate and you must enter the COI number received for the product in the import declaration.
- If the organic food is subject to intensified import controls, you can only import the batch via approved border control posts (BCP). Products that are subject to intensified controls are, for example, products under the scope of Regulation (EU) 2019/1793.
Organic products imported from outside the EU to be sold in the EU labelled as organic must have a COI issued in TRACES. The certificate must be provided in the import declaration. Customs checks it before the goods are released for free circulation.
If the products are not indicated as organic in the customs declaration and if no COI is presented for them, they cannot be sold as organic products in the EU, and the organic label must be removed from the sales packages.
Details to be provided in the import declaration
In the customs declaration, provide the number of the COI issued to the product using the document code “C644 – Certificate of inspection for organic products”. In addition, write for example “organic” in the goods description.
Please note: if you are importing e.g. organic feed subject to intensified import controls, the COI issued for the goods is presented to Customs, which is the authority responsible for the controls on organic products. However, the CHED-D is presented to the Finnish Food Authority, which is the authority responsible for feed controls.
A COI can only be issued by a control body or a control authority
A COI can only be issued for a product if all operators and control bodies related to the production and manufacture of the product, are covered by the controls according to EU legislation in a country outside the EU.
A COI can only be issued in TRACES by a control body or control authority recognised by the EU. The control body or control authority in the country of export is responsible for checking the consignment as well as documents related to the consignment, and for ensuring that the COI has been issued based on a performed check. If a company intends to import organic products, it must request a COI from the supplier of the goods.
What to do when importing from within the EU
- Customs also has the right to take samples of organic foods on the internal market. When asked, be prepared to provide information about the goods to Customs. Read more about sampling on the page Imports of foods and consumer goods
- Send the product labels with the sample to the Customs Laboratory, if they are not already on the product.
Read more
Finnish Food Authority’s website:
- Importing organic products
- Presentation of goods to Customs
- Notification of organic products in TRACES
- Forms and instructions for organic production
More information about importing organic products is also available in the Customs restriction manual (in Finnish).
Import of organic alcohol
You can read more about importing organic alcoholic beverages and spirits on the website of the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) and in Finnish in Customs restriction manual (in Finnish).