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Amending a declaration

An import declaration can be amended up until Customs has made a decision regarding the declaration. With a supplementary customs declaration, you can make additions or amendments to some of the details provided in a simplified declaration. If the amendments to a simplified declaration can’t be made using a supplementary declaration, request amendment of the simplified declaration.

If the errors in the declaration can’t be amended or if the customs declaration is unnecessary, the customs declaration must be invalidated

Customs may request amendment of the declaration

If Customs notices errors or insufficient details in the submitted customs declaration, a message exchange customer is notified of this with an error notification. In that case, make the appropriate amendments and additions to the customs declaration. You can also amend any other errors or details you notice that are affected by the erroneous detail. The error notification indicates the time limit for making the amendment.

When you have amended the declaration, respond to the error notification sent by Customs with an amendment request message. 

If the customs declaration has been submitted in the Customs Clearance Service and Customs detects errors in the declaration, the customer receives a rejection notification. You can amend the declaration you’ve submitted by opening it again in the online service. Amend the erroneous details and resend the declaration to Customs for processing.  

Amending a customs declaration before a decision

Not all details in the customs declaration can be amended. These include trader details such as declarant (importer), representative (agent) and type of representation. Likewise, the procedure requested in the customs declaration can’t be amended. The additional procedure can’t be amended after the release if, for example, the prerequisite for the release was the presentation of a specific authorisation/document. Other details can be amended before the decision. However, the declaration can’t be amended if Customs has decided to inspect the goods.

  • Import declarations submitted via message exchange can be amended by sending an amendment request message. The amendment request message can only be sent by the submitter of the original declaration. When amendment is requested prior to decision on release, provide “KOR – Amendment before release” as the amendment type. 
  • A customs declaration submitted in the Customs Clearance Service can be amended by clicking on “Amend” on the page “Summary and submission”. Send the amended declaration to Customs again for processing. 

If a declaration has been submitted as a simplified periodic customs declaration, some details can be amended with a supplementary declaration. More information about the supplementary periodic import declaration.

If you submit a supplementary declaration separately for each simplified declaration, certain details can be amended with the supplementary declaration. Read more on the page “Supplementary declaration for each simplified declaration”.

If the goods have been released for the procedure by entry in the declarant’s records and you have submitted the presentation notification, you can amend certain details with the supplementary declaration. Read more on the page ”Entry in the declarant's records”.

If you have received a release decision and you notice an error in the declaration which you can’t amend with a supplementary customs declaration, request amendment of the simplified declaration. Se section “Amending a customs declaration before a decision” to find out, which details can be amended. 

You can amend an erroneous detail after receiving the release decision 

  • either by making an amendment request in the Customs Clearance Service
  • or by sending and “Amendment request” message. 

Amend the erroneous detail in the declaration and send the amended declaration to Customs by selecting “OIK – Changes to declared information” as the amendment type and e.g. “T-14 – Other” as the reason for amendment. You can only submit a supplementary customs declaration after Customs has processed the amendment request. 

If the details can’t be amended using a supplementary customs declaration and the customs declaration details can’t be amended, a new, replacement customs declaration must be lodged. In that case, the original customs declaration must be invalidated. Read more about invalidation of a customs declaration.