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How to implement a data retrieval system?

Data suppliers must notify the Customs Registry Office about implementing a data retrieval system by email to kirjaamo@tulli. After this, Customs will send instructions for building and testing the data retrieval system.

Notify Customs of your organisation’s point of contact by email to tilirekisteri(at) for the deployment and for later contacts.

The data retrieval system is deployed together with Customs

Your organisation will draw up an agreement and timetable with Customs for the deployment of the data retrieval system. The deployment includes opening and testing of data connections before approved use of the service.

As a data supplier, your organisation is responsible for its own applications, services and data connections with the query interface, as well as for the costs these incur, and for any third parties whose involvement may be required.

Read the guidance on deployment and maintenance of the data retrieval system and the technical interface description carefully.

In unclear situations, further guidance and support is available by contacting Customs by email at

Responsibility for accuracy of information in the data retrieval system

The data transmitted to data users through the data retrieval system are specified in the Act on the Bank and Payment Accounts Control System. Data suppliers are responsible for making sure that the data is correct and up-to-date. Data suppliers have the obligation to prove that the information is accurate and, when necessary, updated.

Disruptions and malfunctions in the query interfaces

Data suppliers must submit an immediate and unfiltered reply to any electronic query made by a data user. The query interface of the data retrieval system must be available at all times. 

The data supplier and Customs must inform other concerned parties without delay about malfunctions in their service that affect the functionality of the query interface. The data supplier must also inform Customs about any planned maintenance and downtime that may affect the query interface or the supply of data.

Possible changes to interface specifications

Customs will inform about changes to the interfaces through the query interface description of the data retrieval systems and by notifying the persons assigned as points of contact.

If a data supplier notices something that needs changing in the query interface of the data retrieval system, the proposed changes can be sent by email to Customs at

Changing from the Accounts Register to a data retrieval system? Please notify the Customs Registry Office

When they so wish, all financial operators can switch over from the Accounts Register to their own data retrieval system. You can submit a notification to Customs when you change over to your own system. Our email address is kirjaamo(at)tulli. Customs will then send instructions for creating a data retrieval system. After testing and approval, Customs will close the updating interface in the Accounts Register.

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Mon-Fri, 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.