Software developer: New data fields to be introduced in the import declaration message in spring 2025

Publication date 22.10.2024 7.00
Type:Press release

Completely new data groups and data elements will be introduced in the customs declaration message for import (FI415) in spring 2025. Customs published the updated message implementing guidelines for import on 12 July 2024. In the first version containing requirements for centralised import clearance, there are changes e.g. in guarantee data.

New data elements

In the customs declaration message for import, CC Qualifier will be introduced in nine different data groups: guarantee reference, supporting document (in the root of the declaration), previous document (in the root of the declaration), additional information (in the root of the declaration), country of destination, commodity code – national additional code(s), goods item level additional document, goods item level additional information and goods item level previous document. The CC Qualifier indicates which country’s data there are in the data element. The CC Qualifier can only be used in declarations for centralised clearance.

“Guarantee” (FI415B/Guarantee) and “guarantee reference” (FI415B/Guarantee/GuaranteeReference) under it are new data groups. Under the data group “guarantee”, there are the data elements “guarantee type” and “other guarantee reference”. The data elements to be provided in the data group “guarantee reference” are “guarantee reference number (GRN)” and “CC Qualifier”. The data in the data groups “guarantee” and “guarantee reference” will be provided at least in declarations for centralised clearance. The message implementing guidelines may be extended after the introduction of guarantee data.

Presentation notification in centralised clearance

The declaration for centralised clearance can also be pre-lodged. In that case, a presentation notification (FI432) must be submitted regarding the presentation of the goods. This new message will be added later to the message implementing guidelines.

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