Oranges imported from Egypt subject to intensified import

Publication date 19.1.2023 10.43
Type:Press release

During this season, oranges imported from Egypt are subject to intensified controls. In the latest update of Regulation (EU) 2019/1793, oranges imported from Egypt were included in the list of imported foods that are subject to intensified controls.

The consignments concerned must be imported through a border control post in accordance with the Official Controls Regulation (EU) 2017/625. For sea transports, the border control post is at Vuosaari Harbour, and a CHED-D must be filled in for the consignment in the Traces system.

Oranges and mandarins imported from Turkey are also subject to intensified import controls. Importing them also requires results of analyses performed in the country of origin or in the country of dispatch.

Goods subject to intensified controls are subject to prohibition of use and must be kept at the warehouse during the controls.

Oranges imported from outside the EU are still also subject to plant health checks. A CHED-PP must be created for all consignments in the Traces system as before. The frequency rates for plant health checks are determined in accordance with Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/2389. Frequency rate means the minimum percentage of consignments arriving during the year that are subject to physical checks. 

Additional information

The latest update of Regulation (EU) 2019/1793


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