The exceptional arrangement regarding documentary checks on imports of foodstuffs during the COVID-19 pandemic ends

Publication date 7.9.2021 10.37
Type:Press release

The documentary checks on imports of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as other foodstuffs of non-animal origin were facilitated during the COVID-19 pandemic by Regulation (EU) 2020/466. During that time, an electronic certificate was sufficient for imports. This facilitation ended on 31 August 2021. From the beginning of September, the original paper documents must again be presented to Customs before the consignment can be released for free circulation. An exception to this are customs clearances where the paper document has been replaced with a phytosanitary certificate transmitted through the international electronic transmission service for phytosanitary certificates (ePHYTO). The original phytosanitary certificate, the official certificate and the results of samples and analyses must be presented for import consignments where the documents have been issued on or after 1 September 2021.

For more information about the implementation of the Official Controls Regulation

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