Software developers: transition period for import declarations and changes to messages
Publication date
Press release
Updated customs declarations for import will be introduced at the end of the year, and changes will also be made to the import messages. The transition period for message declarations is 5 November–31 December 2022.
During the transition period, Customs will convert any messages sent by customers in the old format into the new format. Customs will send the response messages in the old format (version A) and new format (version B), and the customers can view the namespace, version and message type of these messages. Customers must retrieve both versions and can then use the version they prefer.
General changes:
- The namespace and root element will be updated
- New data elements and new data group for amendment messages: amendment type (Type), description of the reason for amendment (Text), details required for sending an attachment (ProvidedInfo)
- New messages for hearing the customer: Hearing request FI430B and hearing response FI446B
- “Time limit type” has been added to the element “time limit”
- Elements concerning payment details (Payment) and the applicant (Applicant) have been added to the requests for amendment and invalidation
- The element PreviousDocument has been added to customs declarations and amendment request messages on header level for the supplementary declaration
- A description of the error (Description) has been added to rejection and error messages
- The character count of the AdditionalIdentifier has been changed min 1 -> min 3
- The length of fields have been corrected:
- Reason for invalidation FreeFormInvalidationReason an..50 -> an..6
- Attachment reference (NationalReference) an..500 -> an..22
- Case identification an..22 -> an..14
- PreviousDocument Type an..3 -> an..4
Message-specific changes:
- Amendment messages (FI413, FI473 and FI483):
- The data group Amendment has been placed before the group Agent
- New data element Amendment/Type
- New data element Amendment/Text
- New data group Amendment/ProvidedInfo
- New data group Amendment/Payment (several data elements)
- New data group Applicant (several data elements)
- New data group PreviousDocument (containing Type and Identification) (change FI413)
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/GoodsMeasure/NetMass -> NetNetMass (FI413)
- GoodsItem/PreviousDocument Type (R) an..4 (previously an..3) (FI413)
- New data element DutyTaxFee (containing ElectedEntry) (FI473)
- AdditionalDocument/Type and AdditionalDocument/Identification have changed places (change FI483)
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalDocument/Type and GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalDocument/Identification have changed places (change FI483)
- Customs declaration (FI415)
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/GoodsMeasure/NetMass -> NetNetMass
- Presentation notification (FI475)
- New data element DutyTaxFee (containing ElectedEntry)
- Customs declaration (reduced dataset H7) (FI485)
- AdditionalDocument/Type and AdditionalDocument/Identification have changed places (change FI485)
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalDocument/Type and GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalDocument/Identification have changed places (change FI485)
- Invalidation request (FI414)
- New data group Notification/Payment (several data elements)
- New data group Agent (several data elements)
- New data group Applicant (several data elements)
- Free-form contact request (FI439)
- New data element Notification/Limit
- New data group Submitter
- Amendment notification (FI403)
- New data group PreviousDocument (containing Type and Identification)
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/CustomsValue/@CurrencyCode -> @CurrencyUnit
- New data element GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/Commodity/DutyTaxFee/CalculatedTaxBase
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/GoodsMeasure/NetMass -> NetNetMass
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalInformation and GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/AdditionalDocument have changed places
- Rejection notification (FI416)
- New data element Notification/Error/Description
- Storage release notification (FI419) and storage movement permit (FI420)
- New data element TaxesLevied (FI419)
- GoodsShipment/Warehouse/Address/City -> CityName (FI419 and FI420)
- Release notification (FI429)
- The data group DutyTaxFee has been placed after the data group PreviousDocument
- New data element Notification/Limit
- The data groups Authorisation and AdditionalDocument have changed places
- The data groups BorderTransportMeans and AdditionalInformation have changed places
- The new data group PreviousDocument (containing Type and Identification) has been added to the structure
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/CustomsValue/@CurrencyCode -> @CurrencyUnit
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/GoodsMeasure/NetMass -> NetNetMass
- Error notification (FI444)
- New attribute Notification/Limit/@LimitType
- New data element Notification/Error/Description
- Movement permit (FI445)
- New attribute Notification/Limit/@LimitType
- GoodsShipment/Consignment/TransportEquipment has been placed before the data group GoodsLocation
- GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/PreviousDocument/Line has been placed after the data element Identification
- Release rejection notification (FI451)
- Notification/Text and Notification/Limit have changed places
- New attribute Notification/Limit/@LimitType
- Additional information request (FI452)
- New attribute Notification/Limit/@LimitType
- Notification of customs debt (FI468)
- Notification/TaxDetermination data type DateTime -> Date
- The data groups DutyTaxFee and TaxCalculation have changed places
- New data element GoodsShipment/GovernmentAgencyGoodsItem/Commodity/DutyTaxFee/CalculatedTaxBase
- Customs’ notification (FI470)
- New data element Notification/RequestCorrelation
- New data element Notification/Limit.
More information: UCC(at)
Customer notice
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