Entry summary declarations for sea traffic can be submitted in the Arrival and Exit Declaration Service (AREX) for the time being

Publication date 19.6.2024 13.35
Type:Press release

On 3 June 2024, we deployed new entry summary declarations and arrival notifications for sea traffic regarding goods imported on vessels arriving from ports outside the EU. Currently, there are errors in the EU’s ICS2 declaration service for safety and security data (STI-STP) For the time being, Finland allows web declarants within sea traffic to submit entry summary declarations and subsequent arrival and presentation notifications to the national Arrival and Exit Declaration Service (AREX).

Errors in the service are to be corrected during August 2024. Customs will release separate information on the progress of corrections.

More information:
Web declarants in sea traffic will start using the EU’s ICS2 declaration service starting on 3 June 2024 at 13.00 (customer notice of 30 May 2024, available in Finnish and Swedish)

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