Exceptional procedure in air traffic from 1 July to 2 October 2023, if house level information has not been submitted for goods arriving directly from outside the EU

Publication date 30.6.2023 15.30
Type:Press release

There is a transition period from 1 July to 2 October 2023 for house level declarants, that is operators who submit only house level transport document details, during which it is not yet mandatory for them to submit safety and security declarations to the Commission’s ICS2 system. During the transition period, consignments can arrive in Finland without submitting house level transport document details to the Commission’s ICS2 system. The transport company must submit the missing house level information to Customs with a temporary storage declaration.

Proceed as follows:

  • Submit the arrival notification to the Commission’s ICS2 system and present the consignments by using the additional information code ”FIWHL – Presentation of goods without house level transport document details”.
  • Submit a temporary storage declaration (FI337, FI335), in which you provide the house consignment details. Enter the additional information code ”FIPRD – MRN of the previous entry summary declaration”, and the MRN of the entry summary declaration as the description. If you submit a temporary storage declaration (FI337), you must also submit a presentation notification (FI332).
  • Forward information about the MRN of the temporary storage declaration, the goods item number and the house level transport document number to the operator submitting the subsequent customs declaration. This information must be provided as previous document information in the subsequent declaration.

Please note that in this case, consignments cannot be placed under a subsequent customs procedure by using the MRN of the entry summary declaration (ENS) as the previous document.

More information:

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet