Information from the Commission on updates to the CBAM Transitional Registry - default values on emissions available in chart format

Publication date 7.2.2024 17.45
Type:Press release

The Commission has published information on corrections relating to the CBAM Transitional Registry, as well as a chart on the default values on emissions on the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ( info website.

Past and upcoming updates and corrections to the CBAM Transitional Registry are listed in the file “IT Releases - Fixes in CBAM Transitional Registry”. The file is available on the Commission page Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ( kohdassa Where to report.

Now you can download default values on emissions in chart format. The chart “Default values transitional period (Excel format)” is available on the Commission page Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism ( kohdasta Guidance.

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a new EU instrument for preventing carbon leakage, that is, release of emissions to non-EU countries. For importers, this brings new obligations.

Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Customer notice