Provide security data also for goods transited to Norway or Switzerland

Publication date 16.10.2024 16.03 | Published in English on 17.10.2024 at 13.52
Type:Press release

Customs deployed a new version of its transit system on 5 October 2024. The T2 transits that are now to be submitted must contain security data whenever goods are transported outside the EU and the document preceding the transit is an export declaration. For the time being, security data are required also when goods are transported to Norway or Switzerland, or through these two countries.

Likewise, security data is required in T2F transit declarations when the previous document is an export declaration, and the goods are transported through a non-EU country. For example, such a situation may arise when goods are exported from Åland to Italy, and the goods are transported through Switzerland under a T2F transit.

Exit security data to be submitted on transit declarations include transport documentation, the place of loading, mode of transport at the border, active border transport means, and routing countries.

We will notify you when security data is no longer separately required

Customs will notify you separately on a later date when security data is no longer required in T2 and T2F transit declarations on goods to be transported to Norway or Switzerland or through these two countries.

Additional information

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