EU’s 15th package of sanctions against Russia entered into force

Publication date 17.12.2024 11.00 | Published in English on 17.12.2024 at 14.48
Type:Press release

The 15th package of sanctions imposed by the European Union on Russia entered into force today, 17 December 2024. In particular, the new sanctions package expands the sanctions against individuals and entities. The scope of the goods sanctions imposed on Russia remains the same.

The EU’s lists of sanctioned individuals and entities has been supplemented with operators who are judged to be facilitating circumvention of the sanctions and supporting Russia’s war industry. As regards so-called sectoral measures, which include sanctions on goods, there were changes affecting, for example, the export and import licences issued by the competent authorities. There were no changes to the goods covered by the extensive export and import sanctions against Russia.
The new sanctions were published in the Official Journal of the European Union on Monday 16 December 2024. The sanctions package entered into force at midnight on Tuesday 17 December 2024.
Press release by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs (16 December 2024): EU lists individuals and entities acting in the interest of Russia in its 15th sanctions package and sanctions regime against hybrid threats (available in Finnish and Swedish)

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