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Improvements to message exchange on 2 April 2022 (updated 22 March 2022)

Publication date 22.3.2022 8.30
Press release

Customs’ systems will be upgraded. Improvements to message exchange and to applying for a message exchange authorisation will be introduced at the same time. These changes will be introduced on 2 April 2022.

The export declaration system (ELEX)

Improvements have been made to the following features in the export declaration system (ELEX):

  • The current additional statement codes for providing the invoice currency (FIXFP EUR, FIXFQ (updated 22 March 2022) USD and FIXFR Other currency) will replaced by one code, FIXKV. A currency code shall be provided as its value, e.g. FIXKV USD. The currency codes to be used are BGN, BRL, CAD, CHF, CNY, CZK, DKK, EUR, GBP, HRK, HUF, INR, KRW, MXN, NOK, PLN, RON, RUB, SEK, SGD, TRY and USD. The code Muu (updated 22 March 2022) will be used for all other currencies.
  • The warehouse type codes will change as follows:
current code new code
A Type A customs warehouse R Public customs warehouse type I
B Type B customs warehouse S  Public customs warehouse type II
C Type C customs warehouse U Private customs warehouse
D Type D customs warehouse U Private customs warehouse

The online service “Applying for a message exchange authorisation” 
Improvements have been made to the following features in the service “Applying for a message exchange authorisation”:

  • The new import and customs warehousing messages (UTU import, version 2.1) to be introduced this autumn will be added to the application form.
  • The service will support the Finnish Authenticator Identification Service, which means that foreign nationals who do not have a Finnish personal identity code or a Finnish identification token, such as online banking codes, can also use the service.

The changes may cause longer response times

The system alterations may cause delays in the message exchange and increase the number of incorrect messages. This in turn increases the number of declarations Customs has to process, which may temporarily result in longer response times. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by these changes.

More information:
Intrastat declarations: intrastat(at)tulli.fi  

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