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Arrival notification and customs clearance of T transits arriving by ship

Publication date 2.2.2021 13.00
Press release

Transports that arrive in a Finnish port in non-regular ship traffic under a T transit initiated at the place of departure can continue directly from the port to the customs office of destination or to the authorised consignee. 

In the arrival notification, a warehouse ID for unloading is not required. Instead, the consignment is declared for customs clearance immediately. Customs will manually enter the consignment in the AREX system as having undergone customs clearance in exchange for the T transit under the procedure. 

The customer must email Customs a list of consignments declared for customs clearance that are accompanied by a T transit. Lists can be sent weekly, for example in Excel format, to the customs office at the port in question.

The list must contain the following information: 

  • MRN and goods item number of the entry summary declaration
  • Transit reference number
  • Declarant/contact person details

As the subject of your email, you should give “customs clearance of AREX consignments under T transit”.

Email addresses of port customs offices:
Hanko: hanko.valvonta(at)tulli.fi
Kotka: kotka.tulliselvitys(at)tulli.fi 
Vuosaari: helsinki.tavaravalvonta(at)tulli.fi

In normal circumstances, transits are presented for discharge at the customs office of destination or at the authorised consignee’s location.

Read more about transit discharge.

More information:  yritysneuvonta.lupa-asiakkaat(at)tulli.fi

Customer notice