Disruption in ship supply declarations when goods are delivered to EU ships – see temporary instructions for declaring

Publication date 25.10.2024 11.08 | Published in English on 31.10.2024 at 13.42
Type:Press release

Customs has detected an error that affects ship supply declarations (FI585). The error occurs when goods are delivered to EU ships, that is, when the country of destination is given as “QR – Food and fuel supplies for ships in internal EU trade”. It is still possible to submit ship supply declarations, but the QR code cannot be used in declarations at the moment. 

The error is due to the Customs system and the renewal of export declarations. Customs deployed new export declarations in the Customs Clearance Service on 5 October 2024. Concurrently, a number of message declarants started submitting export declarations to the Customs Clearance Service (UTU).

When you are submitting a ship supply declaration, proceed as follows

When you are submitting a ship supply declaration (FI585) to an EU vessel, for the time being you should submit the following information:

  • Provide “QS – Stores and provisions 3rd countries” as the country of destination 
  • In the message declaration, select EX as the declaration type. The Customs Clearance Service fills in the detail automatically when you have provided the commodity code.
  • Provide the additional information code “FIXQR – Stores and provisions intra-Comm” at declaration header level.
  • Also be sure to enter ”F61 – Ship supply” as the additional procedure.

If the place of exit is in another EU country, the ship supple declaration is to be submitted as a standard customs declaration (FI515). You should include the said codes also in those declarations.

We will notify you when the QR code is in use again

Customs will notify you separately when the QR code can be used in ship supply declarations.

More information:
How to submit a declaration for ship supplies

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet