Changes in the management of the Enforcement Department of Finnish Customs as of 2 May 2024
Many changes will occur in the management of the Enforcement Department when Sami Rakshit, who was in charge of the department for over ten years, becomes Director General of Finnish Customs on 1 May 2024. In the future, Director Samy Gardemeister will be in charge of the Enforcement Department.
The new Director of the Enforcement Department, Samy Gardemeister, has 30 years of experience of multiple tasks within Customs. He has also worked for The World Customs Organization WCO. Gardemeister took over as Head of the Enforcement Department and left his post as Enforcement Director of Customs Control.
The Enforcement Department has five operational units. In future, the unit for Strategic Planning and International Affairs is led by Enforcement Director Petri Lounatmaa, who left the post as Director of the Intelligence and Analysis Unit. He also acts as first substitute for the Head of Department. Head of Enforcement Pirkko Alamäki-Karkiainen acts as second substitute for the Head of Department. Lounatmaa’s successor as Director of the Intelligence and Analysis Unit is Enforcement Director Tarja Koskenlaakso.
Hannu Sinkkonen continues as Enforcement Director of the Investigation Unit and Tarja Kokko as Enforcement Director of the Corporate Audit. Gardemeister’s successor as Enforcement Director of Customs Control is Kari Marjamäki. Ollipekka Mäkitalo continues as the Head of Product development and Innovation Unit.
The Enforcement Department of Finnish Customs is responsible for intelligence and analysis operations, customs control and audit measures as well as customs crime prevention. In addition, the Department is responsible for international cooperation and the development of data systems and technology in its own operations. The Department works in close cooperation at national and international level to ensure the internal security of the EU and the state.