Sign up for presentations of import declarations in the Customs Clearance Service

Publication date 17.10.2022 9.53
Type:Press release

The Customs Clearance Service will be renewed on 5 November 2022, as we deploy new declarations such as those of inward processing, temporary admission and end-use, as well as simplified two-stage import declarations. Our business information personnel will present the new import declarations via Skype. The presentations will be in Finnish.

Presentations on declarations of inward processing and periodic clearance

The presentations will have two sets of contents. We will present declarations involving special procedures by completing an inward processing declaration, where the declarant simultaneously applies for authorisation for using the procedure. These presentations will take place on Wednesday, 2 November and Wednesday, 9 November from 9.00 to 9.30. 

The second presentation will focus on two-stage customs declarations, as we complete a periodic clearance declaration and a supplementary declaration for procedure “40 - Release for home use”. These presentations will take place on Thursday, 3 November and Thursday, 10 November from 9.00 to 9.45.

Be sure to sign up for the events no later than on 1 November, 10.00 by email at UCC(at) When you sign up, tell us the date of the presentation you wish to participate in. Persons who sign up will receive a Skype invitation to their presentation no later than on the day before the presentation. If a large number of people sign up, Customs may limit the number of participants.

Customs will arrange similar presentations also on new temporary storage declarations to be deployed. We will release a separate customer notice on the presentations.

Read more:
Previous customer notices

More information: yritysneuvonta(at)

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet