EU Border States discussed implementation and future development of EU sanctions

Publication date 21.9.2024 10.20 | Published in English on 21.9.2024 at 10.32
Type:Press release

On September 17, the European Union countries (Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland) sharing the border with Russia, had their 3rd meeting on sanctions co-operation. In the meeting in Tallinn, the representatives of the Ministries for Foreign Affairs and Customs Agencies discussed effective implementation of sanctions and prevention of sanctions circumvention.

The European Union has imposed wide-range of sanctions on an unprecedented scale against Russia. Border States play a central role and share burden in the implementation and enforcement of EU sanctions when conducting customs checks to goods entering and exiting via the external borders of the EU. Border States are the external border checkpoint for goods exported from other Member States and that are only transiting the Border States.

The Border States representatives exchanged information on the latest trends at the borders, best practices and biggest challenges. The meeting addressed specific measures to prevent the circumvention of sanctions imposed against Russia and Belarus. Participants discussed European Union’s sanctions policy, including the possibility to impose additional restrictive measures.

Border States representatives underlined the importance of continuous and daily co-operation between enforcement authorities. Joint efforts of the Border States are crucial to ensure that EU sanctions are implemented effectively and that sanctions violations and circumvention are addressed accordingly.

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