Automated decision-making at Finnish Customs about to expand

Publication date 8.10.2024 15.50
Type:Press release

Customs uses automated decision-making in processing customs matters. Automated decision-making means that a data system makes decisions independently without checks or approvals by a person. Automated decision-making is used in import, export, transit and arrival declarations.

The new legislation on automated decision-making entered into force on 1 May 2023. The automated solutions previously used by Customs will be changed to meet the requirements of the new legislation by the end of the transition period on 31 October 2024.

Automated solutions will also be taken into use in invalidations of IOSS customs clearances.

As for import corrections, automated decisions have been used only for certain statistical changes. Automated decision-making became possible in processing import revision claims, as the new regulations in the national Customs Act took effect on 1 January 2024. With the new regulations, Customs implemented automated decision-making also in processing invalidation requests concerning IOSS customs clearances (Import One Stop Shop) on 30 September 2024.

Further information and descriptions of automated decision-making for each customs procedure are available on the Customs website.

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