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Amendment and invalidation of import declarations can be requested electronically and express claims have been discontinued

Publication date 7.5.2021 10.00
Press release

The new import declarations for businesses were introduced on 19 April 2021. At the same time, it became possible to request amendment and invalidation of declarations electronically. Amendments of the new declarations can no longer be processed as express claims.

Import declarations can be amended with a message or in the Customs Clearance Service until the goods are released for the procedure. If you detect errors in a declaration after release, request Customs to amend the declaration. You can request the amendment either with the message FI439A, “Free-form contact”, or in the Customs Clearance service with free-form contact. The Customs Clearance Service can also be used when requesting amendment after release for an import declaration submitted in the form of a message. The amendment can be requested by the importer or their representative.

Express claims have been discontinued

When you are completing an import declaration, pay particular attention to providing all the details, such as customs debtor, correctly. As of 19 April 2021, amendments to new declarations submitted either through message exchange or in the Customs Clearance Service can no longer be processed as express claims. 

Amendment requests are processed in order of receipt. The processing time of amendment requests is 120 days, but quota requests and amendments involving release from warehouse will continue to be given priority. Customs can ask for additional information concerning the amendment if the declaration does not have the required additional documents, such as the invoice or power of attorney, or if the bank account number for the repayment of the customs duties is missing. The person who requested the amendment will receive a printable copy of the decision either as a message or via the Customs Clearance Service. 

Invalidation of a declaration can also be requested electronically, and the decision will be issued electronically. You can request invalidation using the message FI414A “Invalidation request” or in the Customs Clearance service.

The amendment and invalidation process for import declarations concerning special procedures and simplified import declarations remains the same (ITU system)

Some of the import declarations are submitted in the service Import declarations for businesses – special procedures (ITU). The amendment and invalidation process for customs declarations submitted to the ITU system remains the same.

More information: yritysneuvonta.lupa-asiakkaat(at)tulli.fi 

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