Temporary storage authorisation holder: the transport document reference provided as the previous document is not printed out on the decision on release regarding import

Publication date 16.2.2023 12.00
Type:Press release

The house level transport document reference number provided in the new temporary storage declarations is an essential part of the details to be referenced in subsequent customs declarations. When temporary storage is ended with the customs warehousing procedure or with an import customs procedure, the goods can be released from the storage facility against the release notification (FI419) received from Customs or the details in the decision on release.

Of these details, the transport document reference provided as the previous document is not printed out on the decision on release due to a system error. Because of this, it may be difficult for the storage operator to match the item to be released from storage against the goods indicated in the decision on release. The error will be corrected in autumn 2023. 

The reference is shown correctly in the storage release notification

The detail is shown correctly in the storage release notification. If the storage operator has not started using the storage release notification received via message exchange, they can find the release notification in the Customs Clearance Service, on the tab “Functions for storage operator”.

More information:
Transport operator: provide the reference number of your transport document to the party responsible for customs clearance (customer notice, 12 January 2023)
In your customs declaration, indicate the information on the previous document correctly (customer notice, 24 November 2022) 

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet