Transport operator: provide the reference number of your transport document to the party responsible for customs clearance

Publication date 12.1.2023 11.59
Type:Press release

When a transport operator has started using temporary storage declarations submitted in the Customs Clearance Service or in message format, it must include the reference number of the house-level transport document. Transport operators must notify the party responsible for customs clearance about the declaration MRN, consignment number and the reference number of the house-level transport document. Customs declarations are not accepted if the previous document is a temporary storage declaration and the reference number of the house-level transport document is missing from the details of the previous document.

Example: Temporary storage declaration ”23FIEnnnnnnnnnnnUn” contains two house-level transport documents under reference numbers A and B. Transport document A covers one consignment and document B covers two consignments. In this case, the transport operator must provide the following information to the party responsible for customs clearance:

  • 23FIEnnnnnnnnnnnUn / A / 1
  • 23FIEnnnnnnnnnnnUn / B / 1
  • 23FIEnnnnnnnnnnnUn / B / 2.

If the transport operator submits its declaration in the Arrival and exit declaration service (AREX) or in message format, it is not necessary to submit the reference number of the transport document to the party responsible for customs clearance. 

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Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet