In your customs declaration, indicate the information on the previous document correctly

Publication date 24.11.2022 9.00
Type:Press release

If the previous document is an entry summary declaration submitted to the Commission’s system or a temporary storage declaration submitted via the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange, the information on the previous document is generated on the basis of the following data:

  • MRN reference number
    • temporary storage declaration, which has the form “22FIEnnnnnnnnnnnUn”
    • new entry summary declaration (EU’s CR system), which has the form “22FIEnnnnnnnnnnnTn”
  • reference number of the house level transport document
  • goods item number.

The reference thus generated can be, for example, ”22FIE43300041250U9 / 321687 / 1,2”.

Transport document reference is a new detail in the transit, re-export and exit as well as import declaration messages within ITU. This detail has been included as a new detail in the ITU and NCTS message implementing guidelines updated in February 2020 and the AREX message implementing guidelines, which were last updated in this respect in June 2022.  

Also the presentation notification, submitted via the Customs Clearance Service or via message exchange, is assigned an MRN reference number, which has the form ”22FIUnnnnnnnnnnnXn”. In connection with the subsequent customs clearances, no reference will ever be made to this reference number assigned to the presentation notification.

In the customs declaration that follows temporary storage, indicate the information on the previous document correctly

In Customs’ system, the previous declaration remains open if the information is entered incorrectly. Customs follows up declarations that have remained open and asks the submitter of the presentation notification or the temporary storage operator to provide an account of them. If you indicate the reference details of the previous document correctly, all the actors of the customs clearance chain from transport companies to warehouse keepers and declarants will avoid the lengthy processes of providing accounts.  

Additional information

The previous document must be provided in the import declaration

The previous document must be indicated in the transit declaration

End of temporary storage

Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet