In September 2023, there will be changes to how Common Health Entry Documents (CHED) are provided in import declarations

Publication date 31.8.2023 8.56
Type:Press release

As of 2 September 2023, you must provide the line item number of the goods displayed in the CHED in addition to the CHED number. Furthermore in the future, CHED-PP documents for goods requiring a phytosanitary certificate are provided under their own document codes in import declarations.

New document code for CHED-PP documents

Previously, CHED-PP documents were provided with the additional information code “FIXXX – Other additional information”.

In the future, you must provide the details of a CHED-PP with the additional document code “C085 – Common Health Entry Document for Plants and Plant Products (CHED-PP) (as set out in Part 2, Section C of Annex II to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1715 (OJ L 261))”.

Use the “C085” document code also if your consignment contains wooden packaging materials subject to intensified controls for which you must provide a CHED-PP document.

Note that, based on the commodity code, importing goods may require several certificates. Provide all the required documents using the appropriate document codes.

Provide the line item number for CHED documents and COI inspection certificates

Also as of 2 September 2023, you must provide the line item number of the goods you are importing in your customs declaration. The line item number is displayed in the CHED document.

The line item number is required when you provide a CHED-A-, CHED-P-, CHED-D- or CHED-PP-document or COI inspection certificate in your customs declaration.

Here is how you provide CHED details in your customs declaration

When you lodge the declaration in the Customs Clearance Service:

  • At goods item level, provide the additional document using the appropriate document code. As its description, provide the reference number allocated for the CHED, shown in CHED Box I.2 in TRACES.
  • Under “Additional information about attachment”, provide the line item number of the goods you are importing, shown in CHED Box I.31 (e.g. provide “1”, if the goods are on the first row of the CHED).

When you lodge the declaration via message exchange:

  • At goods item level, provide the additional document using the appropriate document code. As its description, provide the reference number allocated for the CHED, shown in CHED Box I.2 in TRACES.
  • Under “Document line item number”, provide the line item number of the goods you have imported, shown in CHED Box I.31 (e.g. provide “1”, if the goods are on the first row of the CHED).

Additional information

Declaring restrictions, preferential treatment and anti-dumping duties

Importing plants and plant products from outside the EU (

Timber imports from outside the EU (, in Finnish)


Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet