How to provide the previous document details in the transit declaration

Publication date 27.11.2023 10.47
Type:Press release

The details of the previous document must be provided in the customs declaration. The details are mandatory in all the following customs declarations: import and customs warehousing declarations, transit declarations and exit declarations.

In the transit declaration, provide the correct previous document type, document reference, goods item number and, if needed, transport document details.

What code to use for the previous document

Provide the previous document code in the transit declaration as follows:

  • If transit is preceded by an entry summary declaration, provide the code N355.
  • If transit is preceded by a temporary storage declaration, provide the code N337.
  • If transit is preceded by a customs warehousing declaration, provide the code NMRN.
  • If transit is preceded by an export declaration, provide the code N830.

The detailed guidance on the Customs website has been updated. Read more on the page The previous document must be provided in the transit declaration.

More information
E-services’ user support for businesses
The previous document must be provided in the import declaration
The previous document must be provided in the transit declaration
End of temporary storage


Customer notice Uudistuvan lainsäädännön ja tulli-ilmoittamisen tiedotteet